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他留下威名,让世界谈虎色变He left the name, at which the world grew pale

一提起癌,人们便谈虎色变。People turn pale at the mere mention of cancer.

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梅毒是最让人谈虎色变的一种性传播疾病。Syphilis was the most feared of venereal diseases.

这当中就有一种疾病让人谈虎色变,那就是艾滋病。There is a disease that makes them scared, and that is AIDS.

这两个熊市已经让投资者对股票谈虎色变。Those bear markets have left many investors reluctant to buy stocks at all.

对学生上网谈虎色变,这是不科学的。To student online turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible, this is unscientific.

但众所周知,如今的房地产中介已经演变到让客户谈虎色变的地步了。But as we all know, today's real estate intermediary has evolved to the point that clients turn.

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自亚洲“金融危机”爆发后,人们言及“金融风险”无不谈虎色变。Since the Asian "financial crisis" broke out, people mentioned "financial risks" without exception turn.

也难怪这么多饶有兴趣、有才华的年轻专业女性不愿结婚或者谈虎色变!Is it any wonder that so many interesting, talented young men are reluctant to marry or have turned gay in droves ?

三月份,在墨西哥开始爆发的猪流感在短期时间内蔓延到全球,其严重程度让人们谈虎色变。H1N1 was erupt in Mexico at March and soon overspread all over the world, ervery country and ervery people are scared of it.

艾滋病是一个令人谈虎色变的疾病,但是人们想到艾滋病,可能会忽略另一个受害严重的群体----儿童。AIDS is a very scared of the disease, but people think of AIDS, may ignore another group of victims of serious ---- children.

更令人谈虎色变的是渤海海域还有凶猛的鲨鱼和巨型毒海蜇。In the sea, there are also cruel sharks and huge poisonous jellyfish in the Bohai sea area. People will turn pale at the very mention of them.

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考虑到中国领导人对国内局势动荡的谈虎色变,他们对因此而引发的经济后遗症会非常敏感。Thanks to its not-so-paranoid fear of domestic instability, the Chinese leadership is very sensitive to the economic consequences of its actions.

尤其将市场经济贴上资本主义的标签更令人产生谈虎色变的感觉。The label that affixes market economy capitalism especially makes a person produce the feeling of turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible more.

后来,“谈虎色变”就用来比喻一提到可怕的事就情绪紧张起来,连脸色都变了。Afterwards, "to turn pale at the mention of a tiger"is used to refer that somebody becomes extremly nervous when he is informed of something that he once fell victim before.

而办公楼物业,商业用房日渐受到冷落,以致一说起该两类物业的开发,发展商或投资商都有种谈虎色变的感觉。And office properties, commercial premises are subject to neglect, resulting in a way that the two types of property development, a developer or investors have the feeling of fear.

目前官方和舆论宣传,对学生上网谈虎色变,甚至不让学生上网,这是不科学的。At present the government and public opinion are publicized, to student online turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible, do not let a student get online even, this is unscientific.

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淋病是危害较大的性病之一,但是淋病的传染有它独特的途径,大可不必谈虎色变,危言耸听。Clap is a harm bigger venereal one of, but the contagion of clap has its distinctive way, can need not turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible, exaggerate sth just to scare people.

他并称,"金融危机,所有那些丑闻,及新出台的政府规定均使得我们更不愿进行复杂产品交易.对那些另类工具,人们几乎是谈虎色变.""The financial crisis, all those scandals, and the new government rule make us even more unwilling to trade sophisticated products. People will turn pale even at the mention of exotic tools," he said.