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这部词典正在审订之中。The dictionary is under examination and revision.

重新审订美国的性犯罪法并不难。It would not be hard to redesign America's sex laws.

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珍妮特曾为不同的出版商审订稿件和编辑图书。Janet fixed copies and edited books for a variety of publishers.

我已加以审订并给了一个档名,以便其他的弟子们也可采用或稍加修改成为自用的法本。I revised it and gave it a file name, so other disciples may adopt of adapt for their own practices.

弟子海鹦录音并做了笔录。我已校阅并审订了此笔录。Disciple Hai Ying did the recording and the transcription. I had reviewed and revised the transcript.

第三部分,作业评改和论文审订是检验、提高学生创新能力的重要过程。Thirdly, the composition-correcting and essay-scrutinizing is the final step to improve students' innovation ability.

建议审订一个与拉丁名词确切对应的系统中文名词,以利于医学、教学和研究的科学性和学术性。A renovated unified system of naming the various stages and phases of cestode development including adult in Chinese was proposed.

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奥托·兰克先生对于新增材料的选用给予了极大的帮助,并审订了本版的校样。Herr Otto Rank has afforded me valuable assistance in the selection of supplementary examples, and has revised the proofs of this edition.

第一份论文有你的自选议题。再次详述在审订该法案时要考虑那些政治利益。Return to the legislation you discussed in your first paper. Describe which political interests are involved in the consideration of the bill.

本公司董事会根据本公司组织章程细则所授予之权力可不时审订其酬金。Such fee is subject to review by the Board from time to time pursuant to the power given to it under the Articles of Association of the Company.

基于弟子文英所编的版本,弟子敬行也编了一个供他自己日修的版本,并请我审订。Based on the version compiled by disciple Boon Eng, disciple Jing Xing had also came up with a version for his own daily pracitce, and sought my revision.