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破纪录的“超音速燃烧冲压喷气发动机”Record-breaking "Scramjet"

涡轮喷气发动机推动的飞机。An airplane with such an engine.

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每个机翼上都有喷气发动机。Each wing includes its own jet engine.

一个典型的燃气涡轮喷气发动机图解。Diagram of a typical gas turbine jet engine.

这架飞机由三台喷气发动机驱动。The aircraft is powered by three jet engines.

涡轮螺桨发动机与涡轮喷气发动机十分相似。The turboprop engine is very much like the turbojet.

压式喷气发动机一种简单的,主要为管道式的喷气发动机,如。A simple, essentially tubular jet engine, such as a ramjet.

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飞机喷气发动机进气口管,直径6.00英寸。Aircraft jet engines air inlet ducts, up to 6.00 inch diameter.

涡轮螺旋桨发动机不如喷气发动机驱动飞机那样快。The turboprop engine will not move a plane as rapidly as a jet.

对某型涡轮喷气发动机进行了改进、改型设计。The improved and modification designs were conducted for a turbojet engine.

对微型涡轮喷气发动机的顶层设计问题进行了研究。The top-level design of micro turbine Jet-engine is presented in the paper.

涡轮喷气发动机按照第2章叙述的“工作循环”工作。The turbo-jet engine operates on the 'working cycle' as described in Part 2.

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但是老式的涡轮喷气发动机耗油量高、噪音大、维护费用昂贵。But the old turbojets used a lot of fuel and were noisy and expensive to maintain.

超高速冲压喷气发动机引擎在飞机超过音速的情况下不能启动。Scramjets engines can not start until the plane flies faster than the speed of sound.

由于大推力活塞式喷气发动机可以用在涡轮喷气机是不实际的。Due to high thrust the Piston Jet Engine can be used where turbo-jets aren't practical.

根据官方的消息称,上述这些问题包括影响了电梯风扇门和喷气发动机传动装置喷嘴的问题。The problems include ones that affect the lift fan doors and jet engine actuator nozzle.

采用有单一入口的冲压式喷气发动机装备的导弹可能早在去年就进行过陆上测试。The missile, with a single inlet for the ramjet, may have undergone ground tests last year.

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早期型号的KC-135使用的动力是由普拉特·惠特尼公司提供的四个涡轮喷气发动机。Propulsion on the early models of the KC-135 was supplied by four Pratt & Whitney turbojet engines.

霍林赫斯特,50岁,1981年来到伦敦,正好是那犹如喷气发动机一般的80后刚刚上路的一年。Hollinghurst, who is 50, came to London in 1981, just as the jet-propelled 80s were getting under way.

“翔龙”在机身上V-形尾翼之间装备一台喷气发动机。Xianglong is equipped with a jet engine mounted on top of the fuselage between the V-shape tail wings.