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他是我的眼中钉。He is a thorn in my side.

他总把我当作眼中钉。He aways treats me like enemy.

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她是团体中的眼中钉。She is a real eyesore in the group.

他的朋友已变成眼中钉肉中刺。His friend has become a thorn in his side.

一直都是畜生的眼中钉。A thorn in the eye of the beast to the end.

实际上,为什么现在不搬出那个眼中钉?In fact, why not move that eyesore out now?

一直都是畜生的眼中钉。安息。A thorn in the eye of the beast to the end. RIP.

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灰姑娘是她后母的眼中钉肉中刺。Cinderella is the thorn in her stepmother's flesh.

由于与官僚作风做斗争,她是眼中钉、肉中刺。She was a thorn in the bush, as she fought with officialdom.

在他那时代,他一直是当局的眼中钉,肉中刺。He had been a burr under the saddle of the government in his time.

西勒顿教授是新港上流社会的眼中钉。Professor Emerson Sillerton was a thorn in the side of Newport society.

纳瓦兹医生表示,除了作为一个眼中钉,静脉曲张可以是痛苦的。Dr Nawaz said that apart from being an eyesore, varicose veins can be painful.

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但是,对于达拉维的批评者来说,该棚户区就是城市的一个眼中钉。But, for Dharavi's detractors, the shantytown is an eyesore on an aspiring city.

对于同事的“不配合”行为不要感到诧异,他们很可能视你的新角色为眼中钉。Don’t be surprised by push-back from co-workers who may seeyour new role as a threat.

阿水出了名的泡妞无数,是我们所有男人的眼中钉。A famous because of who you water out of numerous thorn in the side of all of our men.

他是一个不留情面的活动家,几年来一直是政府的眼中钉肉中刺。A relentless campaigner, he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years.

阿水出了名的泡妞无数,是我们所有男人的眼中钉。The bubble girl that water of A gave a name countless, it is us the eyesore of all men.

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吕布说,“曹公啊,你最视为眼中钉的肉中刺的不就是我吕布吗?" LUI Bo said, "Tso ah, you as a thorn in the side of most of the flesh of my LUI Bo is not it?

如此庞大的国家慈善机构,如中国红十字会,成为太多中国人的眼中钉。So large state-run charities, especially the Red Cross, are suspect in the eyes of many Chinese.

当阿拉达尔过去帮助掉队者的时候,他却成了铁石心肠的团队首领克朗的眼中钉。When we of darfur who left the past helped when he became a pitiless team leader krone"s eyesore."