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现在他试图在水泥工业中故技重施。Now he is trying to do the same thing to cement.

如今,军方故技重施,押宝自由派反对者。Now, the army is gambling on the liberal opposition for the same goal.

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今天晚上,我看到你房间里的亮光,于是便故技重施。But when I saw a light in your room tonight I roused my energies again.

本周炮击事件或为朝鲜故技重施的最新例证。This week's artillery attack is likely to be the latest example of this strategy in action.

汤姆林先生故技重施,他没有以一位充满活力、鼓舞人心的形象参与竞选,而是沉稳老练的政客。Then again, Mr Tomblin ran not as a dynamic, inspiring leader, but as a steady, experienced pol.

他说他不能允许一些利益集团为了保持体制不变而故技重施。He said he would not allow special interests to "use the same old tactics to keep things the way they are".

现在卫星国际故技重施,也让我通过午夜秀场关注世界变得遥不可及了。Now they have dropped it from Star World too and my late night tv watching world has again spun into chaos.

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他故技重施,内心为自己的机智反应暗暗自豪,难怪人家都说聪明是天生的。Therefore, trick him, his reaction to his secret pride in tact, it is no wonder that people are born smart.

2011年,他们企图故技重施,但现实的巨大改变浸透了每一个电子毛孔。They try to do so in 2011, but competing versions of reality seep in—and out—through every electronic pore.

鲇川收到风声今后,故技重施,强行参加了他们的行列。Nian sichuan received report in future, repeat the fertilizer heavily, forced to participate in their ranks.

如果他让你对他有所期待,之后却在细节上不遵守他的允诺,那他在大事上也会故技重施。If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn't follow through on little things, he will do the same for big things.

所以可能他们就只是在新的实验中故技重施而已,科学家们认为。So maybe they were just following that strategy again when they saw the tube in the new experiment, the scientists suggested.

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混迹于国际社会,并时不时勒索些援助,北朝鲜至今乐此不疲,而且可能故技重施。Stringing along the international community while shaking it down for aid has worked brilliantly to date, and may work again.

如今,弗朗索瓦故技重施,再次使用一位或许已经处于下坡路的明星——珍妮弗•洛佩兹,希望籍此制造话题。Now Francois has used Jennifer Lopez, arguably another star somewhat past her prime, to create an extraordinary amount of buzz.

这位克罗地亚国脚上个赛季是在锡耶纳度过的,利沃诺竟想故技重施下个赛季租借图多尔。The Croatia international spent part of last season on-loan at Siena and Livorno are keen to strike a similar deal for this term.

现在他又对亚马逊的云服务故技重施,这让消费者可以向亚马逊租赁数据存储空间和运算能力。Now he's done the same with Amazon's cloud computing services, which let customers rent data storage and computing power from Amazon.

上回新型流感在1976年流行时,美国政府禁止疫苗出口,如果疫情恐慌再度袭击,该国政府很可能重施故技。During its last outbreak of swine flu, in 1976, the government forbade the export of vaccine. That might happen again if panic strikes.

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裁员现象在最新一轮的经济衰退中非常普遍,目前,有一些公司,尤其是在银行业,又开始重施故技。Job slashing was certainly common during the most recent recession, and some companies have restarted the process now, especially in the banking sector.

有的网上商店把钱骗到手后把服务器关掉,然后再开一个新的网站继续故技重施。Some websites' online store closed their server after having cheated people of their money, and then they will open a new website to play the same old trick again.

一个仆人疏忽行事,或者拒不履行某些职责,在得知主人打算解雇他之后,他会故技重施,自行请辞来保全自己的“面子”。A servant neglects or refuses to perform some duty. Ascertaining that his master intends to turn him off, he repeats his former offence, dismisses himself, and save his "face."