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想补充蛋白质练出肌肉线条?Protein to Build Muscle?

你能画出这些线条么?Can you draw these lines?

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它的旗子有星星和线条图纹。Its flag has stars and strips.

它将会印成黑色线条。They will print as black rules.

那么这些线条所代表的意义又是什么Now what does the line represent here?

形状是闭合线条产生的结果。Shapes are the result of closed lines.

他们只是方框和线条图。They are simply box-and-line drawings.

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是的,那是一个放射状的线条视标。Yes, that is a radial line test-object.

新建一个图层重命名为线条。Create another layer and rename as line.

主要的改进在于线条和坐驾。Major improvements are in line and ride.

这块布上织有线条清晰的图形。The cloth had bold figures woven into it.

加深一些线条,完成成品图。Add some line quality and you're finished.

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我偏爱线条细致的老式插画。I prefer the old fine-lined illustrations.

画家用线条勾画出了一个女孩的侧影。The painter lined the silhouette of a girl.

改变线条的粗细和长度。Vary the thickness and length of the lines.

必须检查线缝,确保线条流畅。Seam runs must be checked for flowing lines.

这将给你的身体造就一个更好的线条。That will give your body a much better line.

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此作的线条和图案令人眼花缭乱。The line and pattern of this work is dazing.

这是一张透着精明的面孔,但是线条柔和,女人味十足。This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look.

自定义菜单,旋转攵本,禾扣特殊菂线条。Custom Menus, Rotated Text, and Special Lines.