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“三好学生”、“学习标兵”称号。"Miyoshi students", "learning model" title.

她被看成全公司的标兵。She is considered a pace-setter in the corporation.

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该标兵的复杂的历史可以追溯到很长的路。The Pacesetter's complex history goes back a long way.

第11章讲的是信心的标兵们,是从亚伯开始的。Chapter 11 talks about the hallmarks of faith, starting with Abel.

通过玩弄全球善良的公民,欧洲试图成为世界的标兵。By playing the good global citizen, Europe aims to become the world's pacesetter.

模范用户的概念类似于现实生活中的劳动模范或标兵。The concept of the user model is similar to working model or a model in real life.

曾获评“医疗技术创新标兵”和“先进医务工作者”等荣誉称号。He has been honored as "Medical Technology Innovation Model" and "Advanced Medical Worker.

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开发、调试、测验、安排和监控一个过程其标兵的流程可能如何呢?What is the typical workflow for developing, debugging, testing, deploying and monitoring an app in Erbix?

公司被市政府命名为“明星企业”、多次被上级评为“标兵企业”。Ltd was honored "star enterprise" by government, and also honored "pacemaker enterprise" by competent department.

量子阱奥古斯塔是一个标兵的凹印目录市场,生产的产品的一些北美最大的编目。QW Augusta is a pacesetter in the gravure catalog market, producing products for some of North America's largest catalogers.

目前全市还有省级文明单位12个,市级文明标兵单位10个,市级文明单位121个。At present, there are provincial civilized unit of the city's 12 municipal civilized unit model 10, 121 municipal civilized unit.

多次获“英语交流小百灵”“课堂小明星”“文明礼仪小标兵”“故事大王”等称号。She has won numerous awards, like "English Communicator", "In-class Star", "Civilized Etiquette Model", "Storytelling King", and etc.

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在呼和浩特地区及气候相似地区,蒙农青饲1号、健宝、标兵具有推广价值。In the Huhhot area and the climate similar area, Mengnong Qingsi No. 1, jumbo , Pacemaker have the value for expansion and application.

上海复旦皇冠假日酒店礼宾部经理邵黎伟被评为2009年杨浦区迎世博窗口服务行业十大服务明星标兵。Stanley Shao, Chief Concierge of Crowne Plaza Shanghai Fudan was recognized as 2009 Top 10 Outstanding Service Star in Yangpu District.

而社会角色分为母语运用的模范标兵、语文学习的校内外“穿针引线”者、和谐社区的促进者等角色。Social role including a model for the use of mother tongue, language learning inside and outside "go-between", people to promote community harmony.

院从1993年起就连续获得首都文明单位称号,从1998年起已连续二年获首都文明单位标兵称号。Hospital since 1993 has been to the capital units of civilization, from 1998 onwards has been the capital of civilization units pacesetters of 2002.

2000年,岗上镇连年被石家庄市爱国卫生运动委员会评为“石家庄市卫生乡镇标兵”。" 1999-2000, the town of Lian Nianpi Kong on Shijiazhuang City Patriotic Health Campaign Committee as a "pacesetter in Shijiazhuang, township health.

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我多次被农业局评为先进工作者,2002年被评为新化县三农服务标兵。I am for many times been an advanced worker by select in the agriculture bureau, in 2002 selected for turned a county three agriculture service parade guardses lately.

就连当时的联盟标兵“大鸟”伯德与“魔术师”约翰逊也不能免俗,纷纷地充当起了匡威的品牌代言人。Connect the union parade guards at that time " curassow " Byrd and " charmer " Johnson also cannot avoid custom, act as in succession the brand spokesman that removed Kuang Wei.

如今荣超花园又正接受来自市“安全文明标兵小区”评选有关部门的现场考察,努力创建深圳市安全文明小区。Now Wing-Garden City are receiving from the "safe area pacesetter civilization" rated departments to inspect and make efforts to establish a safe and civilized district of Shenzhen.