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残留的月光,衰微,衰微!Hang-over moons, wane, wane!

他的脉搏衰微,热情安卧无语。When his pulse failing, passion speechless lies.

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同时简单分析潮汕歌谣日渐衰微的原因。Simple analysis also the decaying Reason of Chaoshan songs.

虽然如此,颠峰能够跟衰微对立,如同恶与善对立。The summit can, though, be opposed to decline as evil to good.

英国明星的影响力似乎日渐衰微。The star power of British celebrities appears to be on the wane.

然而基尼必至衰微,直到亚述把你掳去。yet you Kenites will be destroyed when Asshur takes you captive.

岁月悠悠,衰微之及肌肤,热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up to enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

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然而基尼必至衰微,直到亚述把你掳去。Nevertheless the Kenite shall be wasted, until Asshur shall carry thee away captive.

国家衰微之时,犯罪多如牛毛,不受惩罚者众。让。It is when a State is in decay that the multitude of crimes is a guarantee of impunity.

与此同时,民主党人认为白色男人是衰微的,城市人,谦逊屈尊。The Democrats, meanwhile, strike some white men as effete, cosmopolitan and condescending.

此举引起了很多人对民族国家会走向衰微和终结的担心。This act has caused many people to worry that nation-states will be on the decline and end.

愿上帝保守我、冠希和其他人谦卑,愿我们衰微、基督必兴旺。May He keep me, Edison and all others humble, so that we decrease but Christ would increase.

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一朵花的衰微,对爱花惜花人而言,是痛不尤及的。The decline of a flower, flower lovers flower-loving people, is not particular, and the pain.

暴力团正日益衰微,如果他们不改变商业模式,他们可能将不复存在。They're on decline, and if they don't change their business model, they might cease to exist.

经济的衰微又会导致更多的人失业,从而触发进一步的收缩周期。And the weakening economy will lead to more job cuts, provoking a further cycle of contraction.

在第二次世界大战以后这个区域就逐渐衰微,很多地标都被遗弃了。The area fell into decline after the Second World War, and many of its landmarks lay abandoned.

巫教的发展由于道教的出现、佛教的引入而逐步衰微。The religion of sorcery declined with the appearance of Taoism and the introduction of Buddhism.

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林黛玉的家族虽已衰微,但年幼时父母视她为掌上明珠,呵护备至。Although the decline of Lin's family, but when the parents as the young daughter of her, love and care.

在共和国日渐衰微的岁月里,绝地大师阿迪·加利亚是武士团高级委员会的成员。Jedi Master Adi Gallia was a member of the order's High Council during the waning days of the Republic.

假如我如同现在这样谈话,这基本上是衰微,就像一位病人,或是准确地说,是衰微及死亡。If I speak as I do now, it's basically to recline like a sick man or, to be precise, to recline and die.