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我并没有花太多时间自怨自艾。I don’t spend a lot of time pitying myself.

我活着,自怨自艾,悲哀抑郁。And I live on, but in grief and self-contempt.

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那么,你就没必要自怨自艾、批判或憎恨。Then there is no cause for self-pity criticism or hatred.

这个日子深深铭刻在他的记忆中,充满了自怨自艾和痛苦。The date was seared-with self-reproach and anguish-in his memory.

怜悯中长大的孩子,将来容易自怨自艾。The kids growing up in pities will be self-reproachful in future.

现在的我们不再自怨自艾,不会再陷在改变不了的悲剧里不能自拔。There was no feeling sorry for ourselves. No dwelling on things we couldn't change.

一旦我们从自怨自艾和自我肯定中解脱后,我们就能专注于彼此相爱。FREE from despair and the need to justify ourselves, we can focus on loving one other!

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我拿着糖和香蕉回来时,母亲已经抛弃了她的自怨自艾。By the time I return with the sugar and a banana for her cereal, Mom has thrown off self-pity.

他说,他们不应低估自身能力,也不要自怨自艾,哀叹命运。They shouldn`t underestimate their own capabilities and constantly bemoan their fate, he said.

这样做的后果是我被初恋女友甩了,一整天躺在床上自怨自艾。This resulted in me getting dumped by my first girlfriend and sleeping in bed all day feeling sorry for myself.

认识我们的失败和局限会使我们自怨自艾并怀疑呼召我们的上帝。The recognition of failure and finitude leads us to dislike ourselves and doubt the God who called us to ministry.

而我们只能期望他在自怨自艾时能感激自己的勇于挺身拯救家庭的妻子纳西莎。We can only hope he appreciates that his wife, Narcissa, has the balls to step up and lead the family while he wimpers.

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从这个角度来考虑你的目标和计划,能帮助你建立与他人沟通的桥梁而不仅限于自怨自艾。This path of rethinking your goal and plan will help you connect with another person rather than focus on the isolation.

后悔令人难受,令人透不过气,亦会令一个积极进取的企业家,变成一个终生自怨自艾的人。Regret turns you from a positive, active entrepreneur into a person who second-guesses everything for the rest of his life.

选择一辈子躲在不见天日的衣柜里,自怨自艾,还是要和我们在彩虹的路上,并肩同行?Will you live in the shadows of the closet feeling sorry for yourself or will you march proudly together with us under the rainbow?

许多人可能都会这样做,他们在不满中自怨自艾,总是说着别人的幸运。" A lot of people do that. They live their lives in resentment, always looking at people and saying, "Well it must be nice to be them.

对杰拉尔德来说,他从不以自己身材矮小而自怨自艾,也从不认为这会阻碍他去获得自己所需要的一切。It was like Gerald that he never wasted regrets on his lack of height and never found it an obstacle to his acquisition of anything he wanted.

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但是我真诚地认为,如果我能从自怨自艾中走出来的话,我本可以更好的熬过这些日子,也许不用那么祸不单行。But I honestly think I could have survived them better and perhaps avoided some of them altogether if I'd gotten away from an obsession with myself.

因为医生的误诊,她丧失了视力,突然被抛弃进一个漆黑愤怒沮丧和自怨自艾的世界。Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity.

这正是我要说的,有时候看起来貌似生命中的不幸却真正的成就了你,但如果你只是一味的自怨自艾你就永远无法完善你自己的人生。Sometimes what looks like a disaster in your life is part of a much bigger plan. But you will never fulfill your destiny if you are having a pity party.