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某种独一无二的念珠?Some unique chaplet?

“中心城”是独一无二的吗?Is The Center unique?

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我是独一无二的造化。I am a unique creature.

霸王龙的尾部是独一无二的。But T. rex's tail was unique.

任何人都能在人群中独一无二。Anybody can be one of the crowd.

圣多纳释放法是独一无二的。The Release Technique is unique.

反而,我被创造成独一无二的。Instead, I was made to be unique.

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学会接受你是独一无二的。Learnd to accept your uniqueness.

但是猫的蹿红是独一无二的。But their viral success is unique.

洞穴的每一个角落都是独一无二的!Every corner of the cave is unique!

破产文化是独一无二的。The culture of bankruptcy is unique.

相反,林肯则是独一无二的。Lincoln, in contrast, is sui generis.

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鸭嘴兽的繁殖几乎是独一无二的。Platypus reproduction is nearly unique.

这是禧玛诺独一无二的设计。HAGANE concept, Shimano's unique design.

换句话说,三维球是独一无二的。Rephrasing that, the 3-sphere is unique.

马施说,“这是一个独一无二的事件,与地球内部的第一次接触,这里的岩浆是新鲜的。”This is a singular event of first contact

说真的,世界杯确实是独一无二。There really is nothing like the World Cup.

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大巴哈马是世界上独一无二的地方。Grand Bahama Island is a unique destination.

你生得独一无二,可别死得千篇一律。You were born an original. Don't die a copy.

这就是他,独一无二的碧咸。Here he is, the one and only , David Beckham.