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反正是一个钟头。An hour is the saree.

反正我不喜欢它。Anyhow I don't like it.

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反正不会在我的生活中。Not in my world anyway.

反正我是觉得很奇怪。It's very confusing now.

反正他总是要迟到。He's always late anyways.

他们可以让我去坐牢,反正我付不起。They can take me to jail.

反正我左右消受不起。I bestow it right and left.

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反正你是买定了,对吧?You'll get it anyway, right?

反正我听着挺好,我很喜欢Sounds good to me,I like that.

好吧,不管好歹,反正我按铃了。Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.

反正最后你也会扔掉它嘛。You will throw it away anyway.

别客气,反正我也得去拿我的。I'll go out to get mine anyway.

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反正红糖比较好吃。Brown sugar tastes better anyway.

反正就这样了,我的生活…呵。I just vanna live my life with you.

反正最终没有进行抽签。But in any case, no lots were drawn.

“反正你都能在电视里看到,”她补充到。"You see it on TV anyway," she said.

反正无论如何这个战你一定要开打。You're going to have your war anyway.

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我期望这是一个步态竞赛反正。I expected it to be a cakewalk anyway.

我反正得买点儿新的化妆品了。I have to buy some new makeup, anyway.

反正我们也打算给那个房间贴墙纸的。The rooms were cleaned and wallpapered.