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他的得数只比正确答案多二。He was only wrong by Two.

因为我的得数算对了写错了!Because I was right the wrong!

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如果把3自乘两次,得数为27。If you cube 3,the result is 27.

参加庆典活动的人多得数也数不清。There were people beyond number at the celebration.

如果用五九乘以五九,得数是多少?What will you get if you multiply fifty-nine by fifty-nine?

这些数字我每回相加得数都不同。Every time I add these figures up, I get a different answer.

应用题的倒数第二题得数算错了。Application of the theme of the penultimate question Deshu counted wrong.

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至于第三嘛,就得数小圆桌上的那块“桌布”了。As to the 3rd, have to count roundlet desk to go up that " antependium ".

在这当中莎莉的丈夫应是最富有的,你知道他的钱多得数也数不过来。Among them, Sally's husband can be the richest. He's money to burn, you know.

到晚上了,满天的繁星“落到”了塘水了,眼睛一眨一眨的,多得数也数不清。At night, the stars "into" the pond water, eyes stirred, and countless number.

除此以外,得数银行服务业和资产配置中的持续低效。Rather, it is continued inefficiency in banking services and in the allocation of capital.

许多政治专家都坚信他们将影响杜鲁门的选票得数。Most political experts believed these two candidates would take votes away from President Truman.

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其它食、住、行、娱乐的花样就更是多得数也数不清了。In other aspects, there are countless changes and styles in food, house, travel and entertainment.

试验表明,过去的计算值与实际测得数据相差太大。It is shown that values computed by conventional formula are largely deviated from the measured data.

彼得数周前说,“我们相信这是当天世界上最大规模的体育比赛。“We believe this is the greatest sporting event in the world for one day,” Ciaccia said a few weeks ago.

假如你所存钱银行接受硬币,那就是另外的一种处理方法,尽管您首先得数清硬币的数目。And if your bank accepts pennies, that could be another option, though you may have to count and roll your coins first.

由于成核与凝结之间的竞争,使得数密度与尺寸分布呈现出双峰分布的特点。Because of the competition between nucleation and coagulation, the number density and size distribution appears like bimodal.

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然而,它是一个已经赚得数十亿的专营权的明智的投资,山内指出,有其他游戏的游戏耗资更多一些。However, it's a wise investment in a franchise which has earned billions, and as Yamauchi notes, there are other games which cost more.

主要的市场导向型的经济体的增长使得数以千万计的亚、欧和南美的家庭走出了可怕的贫困。Growth in mainly market-oriented developing economies swept away dire poverty from hundreds of millions of families in Asia, Europe, and South America.

依据各指标的含义,利用可得数据初步估算、预测了民勤盆地2001、2010和2020年的水资源承载力,并对计算结果进行了简要评价。According to the index system and using the acquirable data, we predict the water resources carrying capacity of the Minqin Basin in 2001,2010 and 2020.