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我们将听到阵阵的欢呼声。We’ll hear the cheers.

迎面吹来阵阵凉风。The cool wind blown head on.

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他不停地摇铃,发出阵阵刺耳的声音。He kept on jangling the bell.

风平静下来,阵阵和风微微地吹拂着。The wind calmed to a soft breeze.

吹过来阵阵海风。The wind is blowing from the sea.

橙花和豆蔻的阵阵香气Odours of orange-flowers and spice

阵阵春雨带来百花满园。Spring showers bring many flowers.

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阵阵辱骂冰雹般地向他袭来。Hailstones of abuse were pelting him.

阵阵欢呼声浪潮般向他袭来。The waves of cheering broke over him.

阵阵鼓声彷佛在他耳边震响。The drums seemed to throb in his ears.

他嗓子眼儿里还是阵阵发紧。The thickness still came in his throat.

还有我灵巧戏法背后阵阵作痛的空虚。The aching hollowness in sleight of hand.

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只有抛洒汗珠颗颗,才能收获欢乐阵阵。Only with sweats can you harvest happiness.

满月下的阵阵涛声。Sounds of crashing waves under a full moon.

他们全都饿了,饭菜散出阵阵香味。They were all hungry and food smelled good.

回声阵阵震荡,直到沉静下来。The echoes had pulsed themselves to silence.

她的右臂因伤口感染而阵阵抽痛。Her right arm throbbed from the infected cut.

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夏去秋来,凉风阵阵。Summer passed into fall, and winds blew cold.

那件丑闻在报纸上引起阵阵风波。The scandal caused tempests in the newspaper.

那阵阵长啸,是海鸥在展翅搏击。Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps its wings.