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光线映照在他脸上。Light struck on his face.

这个词的意思是月光映照在水面上。It means moonlight shining on water.

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当波状的云把将逝的一天映照While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day

你还记得万家灯火映照在水上的景象吗?Do you remember all the city lights on the water.

映照她绯红的脸庞,和她一同叹息悲伤。To reflect back her blushes and give sigh for sigh.

它犹如一面镜子,映照出一个时代的风光云影。Like a mirror, it reflected the social change of that time.

白天被积雪映照得异常明亮,夜晚又陷入难耐的漆黑。The days were bright with snow, the nights forbiddingly dark.

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任何一个事件,对绝大多数人来说都只映照出一部分的自我。And in any event, for most of us it's just part of who we are.

并且闭于语义映照后后收生的特征项集集入行了比拟研讨。At last, we compare the term-based VSM and semantic concept-based VSM.

秋中湖清澈的水面,映照出你灿烂的笑脸。The clear water of Mid-Autumn Lake reflected your brilliant smiling face.

他们说,沙漠中的石头在夕阳映照下可能非常美丽。A stone in the sand in the setting sun could be very beautiful, they said.

在月光映照下,可以看到地面上有四,五个人。On the moonlit landscape, four or five people could be seen on the ground.

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路边悉悉疏疏的几盏路灯。映照着寂寥的夜。Several street-lamps stand on the roadside, reflecting the solitary night.

“狼图腾”的崇拜,恰恰从反面映照出了国民的信仰缺失与灵魂空虚。Worshiping "wolf totem" reflects the lack of belief and emptiness of soul.

2011年5月11日,云朵映照在新世贸大厦的窗户上。Clouds were reflected in the glass of One World Trade Center on May 11, 2011.

燃烧的火圈和深橘色的火炬映照着这个缤纷炫丽的场景。Flaming hoops and torches added deep orange flashes to the kaleidoscopic scene.

乐队还有四个人,但在街灯的映照下,她的眼里只有他。Four other people were in the band, but under the streetlamps she saw only him.

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他站在我的身旁,在炉火的映照下,愉快地谈着,象一个无忧无虑的孩子似的。He stood by us, in the light of the fire, talking gaily, like a light-hearted boy.

镀金的鹦鹉栖息在烛台上,它们斜侧着的小脑袋映照在镜中。Gilded parrots perch on candleholders, their tiny tilted heads reflected in mirrors.

她在等着我们,半开的门中透出的灯光映照出她的轮廓。She was waiting for us, her figure deceased by the light from the half –opened door.