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地势突然隆起。The ground rises abruptly.

地势平缓。The terrain slopes gently.

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地势向海面倾斜。The ground slopes down to the sea.

地势向海面倾斜。The ground slopes gown to the sea.

地势基本上是西高东低。The land descends from west to east.

山谷地势渐低直至河边。The valley bottoms out by the river.

地势险要,为关隘重地。Topography Xianyao, to pass heavily.

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海岸附近地势变得很平坦。The land flattens out near the coast.

地势坤,君子以厚德载物“。Terrain-kun, the gentleman should tenet"."

这里的地势朝河的方向陡降下去。The land falls off here towards the river.

到山谷里去,占个有利的地势!To the vales, And hold our best advantage.

地势从最高点向下倾斜。The ground falls away from the highest point.

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地势北低南高,中部下凹。Low-lying north south high, the central concave.

在恶劣的沙漠地势下,因为每天要计算牲畜头数和喂养它们,马比自行车更为方便。On the harsh desert terrain, horses are preferred to

靠近米尔内,地势变得凹凸不平。Coming closer to Mirny, the relief becomes more uneven.

地势从南向北逐步降低。The terrain slopes downward from the south to the north.

杨光富等人把大熊猫拦到地势平坦的地方。Yang Guang Fu Panda and others to stop lying to the flat.

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宝藏岩是居民自立营造,依著地势,层层叠叠建造形成的聚落。Treasure Hill is a village built up by the local residents.

然而我们家地势很高,而佩里广场汽车旅馆处于其下面的平地。Our house was on a hill. Perry Plaza was on flat land below.

当你向北旅行时,地势变得越来越高?As you travel northward, does the land get higher and higher?