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但它能成规模吗?But will it scale?

中档规模的花香。Mid-scale florals.

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这都是些规模巨大的行业These are big industries.

他们还没到这种规模。They are not on that scale.

世界媒体峰会的规模有多大?What about the scale of WMS?

媒体规模大并不一定是坏事。Largeness as such is not bad.

规模小有其优势。Being small has its advantages.

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第一,扩大双方贸易规模。First, increase bilateral trade.

围栏区域规模约为3.28平方公里。The area enabuttings 3.28 sq km.

规模会影响投资表现Size is the enemy of performance.

后勤基础结构的规模评估Sizing back-office infrastructure

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他们拥有一个中等规模的公司。They are an average-size company.

他们希望扩大公司的规模。They hope to expand their company.

我希望我的公司有多大规模?How big do I want my company to be?

入口处两处规模宏大的实景模型。Two large dioramas at the entrance.

我把问题的规模扩大了十倍。Wow. I think it took one more step.

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但是在比较小规模上。but probably more at a small scale.

这是规模经济的论点。It's an economies-of-scale argument.

您的项目的规模和复杂性。Size and complexity of your project.