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实用英语,行业英语…他山之石,能够使我们触类旁通,以更好的学习和思考。We can comprehend everything by analogy of others' experience so as to enhance our study and thinking.

“他山之石,可以攻玉”,我国企事业单位的管理者可以从国外管理的成功事例中得到一点借鉴和启示。Thus we put forward a proposal that we should study from foreign successful experiences in our country.

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实用英语,行业英语…他山之石,能够使我们触类旁通,以更好的学习和思考。Practical english, industrial english etc where we can get some thing from, for better studying and thinking.

希望通过他山之石,能对我国发展职业技术教育有所启示。Through the comparison we can learn something useful to promote the development of vocational education in china.

他山之石可以攻错,藉国际趋势可以检讨台湾援外政策与执行面的改善空间。To better understand international trend and practice on foreign aid will enhance Taiwan's policy making and practice.

作为他山之石,英国的职前教师教育课程可以对我国的教师教育改革有所启示。By an introduction to the current initial teacher education courses, we may achieve some inspirations on Chinese teacher education.

消息传出,某市老干部议论纷纷,皆以为他山之石可以功玉也。The news spreads, the some city old staff talks about in succession, all think the stone of his mountain can achievement jade also.

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“他山之石可以攻玉”更何况大陆与香港同属炎黄子孙,有着相同的语言,共同的文化底蕴。Stones from other hills we can learn", not to mention the mainland and Hong Kong are Chinese, have the same language, common culture."

“他山之石,可以攻玉”,国外关于被告人负担证明责任的立法和实践对我国进行制度构建具有很好的借鉴作用。The legislation and practice of burden of proof of the defendant in the overseas has good use for reference of planning of our system.

他山之石可以攻玉,希望文章对国内专业刊物的改革与发展有所启示。Hopefully the experiences of the LIS journals in the United States will be helpful to the reformation and development of Chinese LIS journals.

巴菲特探讨他们成功的原因,按图索骥,借用他山之石,学习成为投资他人企业、创造财富的一流高手。Warren Buffett studies their successes for clues he can use in becoming the best at creating wealth by investing in other people's businesses.

文章首先概括的对美国医药连锁的发展历程及现状进行了回顾,希望能起到他山之石的作用。First, the article summarily looks back on the developing course and current situation of American chain drugstores so as to use it as an example.

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比赛中,我们看到了参赛朋友更加优秀的表演。他山之石,可以攻玉。In the competition, we witnessed the excellent performance of other participants and believed that we will benefit from this learning opportunity.

借助他山之石,我们或将吸取其思想,对中国现实问题之思考具有借鉴意义。By means of the instrument coming from abroad, we will find out that either Kant or Rawls' way has significance for resolving the problems in China.

他山之石,可以攻玉,借鉴他国的有益经验,有利于用全球视野来展望我国的语文综合性学习。It analyzes"the comprehensive learning of language"from both theoretical and practical perspectives and brought forward feasible operation strategy.

他山之石可以攻玉,了解国外大众体育志愿服务发展状况,探析其成功经验,可为我国大众体育志愿者队伍的建设与发展提供有益的启示。The paper analyses the situation of volunteer service in foreign countries and discusses the experience of it, so that we could learn from the success of it.

“他山之石,可以攻玉”,国外刑事司法鉴定制度的立法经验,应当成为我国重塑刑事司法鉴定制度的借鉴。The experience on making laws for criminal legal expertise abroad should be used as reference to rebuild the system on criminal legal expertise by our country.

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尖端的研制开发能力,严谨的现代化企业管理模式,细致的销售及售后跟踪服务,已经铸就了华飞的品牌实力。他山之石,可以攻玉。High ability of research and development, strict modern enterprise system, detailed sales and after-sale tracking services, has built the brand strength of HuaFei.

这个知名的阿拉巴马律师,是一个玩”他山之石可以攻玉“的高手,即使用反方的论述来支持自己的实例。Denson, a prominent Alabama attorney, is a master of the "admission against interest, " a tactic in which statements from the opposition are used to build one's case.

“他山之石,可以攻玉”,这一西方戏剧理论启发了笔者对中国舞剧创作中长期存在的一些问题的思索。Inspired by western theory on drama of "There are other hills where stones are good for working jade", the author thinks about the problems of the Chinese drama creation.