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在沦陷区,则一切被日本帝国主义所独占。In the occupied areas everything is in the hands of Japanese imperialism.

本论文第一部分是对两地沦陷区的文学的比较。In the first section, I compare the colonial literatures of the two areas.

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这种矛盾冲突的实质是争夺沦陷区的统治权。The essential of contradiction conflict is the dominion power of occupied region.

但是中国目前有9,000名,可能在沦陷区仅有所需数量的一半。China would need 270,000 doctors. She has 9,000, perhaps half in the occupied areas.

无论在女性文学史还是沦陷区文学中,提及到苏青的文字都寥寥无几。Feminist literature and Enemy-occupied area literature just reference to her little.

另外,本章还对沦陷区文学研究概况予以回顾。Besides, this chapter also reviews study in literature referring Japan-occupied area.

作为东北沦陷区女作家,梅娘的创作独具风格。As a woman writer in the colonized Northeast China, Mei Niang owns her own unique literary style.

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更有帮助日军扫荡、对于沦陷区人民横征暴敛等。More, having helping day army mopping up , extorting illegal taxes to enemy-occupied area people and so on.

这种政策在1940年后得以松动,政府制定法规允许自沦陷区输入有用的物资。This policy got loose after 1940, which permitted some useful goods imported from the enemy-occupied areas.

它是日本侵略者在沦陷区实行思想奴化活动的帮凶。It is the accomplice of Japanese invaders to carry out ideological enslavement activities in enemy-occupied area.

上海沦陷区女作家苏青以其独特的创作题材和创作风格书写了沦陷区作家“边缘写作”的新的一页。With his unique style he weaves the anxieties of the marginal writers under the hegemonic discourse into the novel.

在沦陷区,侵略者一方面烧杀抢掠,大肆破坏我国的文化和艺术。In the occupied areas, the aggressors set fire, killed person, robbed things and wrecked our culture and art seriously.

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后来日伪统治山西,太谷作为沦陷区,当地有志之士人想要彻底禁毒的愿望更是化为了泡影。Later, The Rule of Shanxi, Taigu as the occupied areas, the aspirations of local people want to drug is become a dream.

在抗战不同的阶段,参政员对沦陷区关注的焦点有了较大的变化。The focus on the people who lived in the occupied area had great changes during different periods of Anti-Japanese War.

通过这一考察,分析和探讨了沦陷区殖民主义政治统治的构成和特点。To analyse and discuss its forming and characteristics of the colonialist political governing through the investigation.

日本侵华期间,在沦陷区实施了彻底的奴化教育。During the invasion period of Japan to China, Japan implemented the thorough enslavement education in the enemy-occupied area.

作为东北沦陷区的作家,注定她写作中“侨民”意识及“超然”的风格形成。On the other hand, the writer's social status and historic background destines the sense of exile and transcendence in her works.

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戴笠带迈尔斯到沦陷区去了一趟,并给他留下军统在日本敌后也可以轻易地进行操作的深刻印象。Dai Li took Miles on a trip into occupied China and impressed him with how easily the Juntong could operate behind Japanese lines.

辛弃疾则主张“攻人”,带着沦陷区人民强烈的情感。Xin Qiji advocates " Attack enemy " , and his idea have the intense emotion that it was bring from the enemy-occupied area people's.

还有一部分文化人选择了留守沦陷区,进入被称为孤岛的上海租界内。Still there were some chose to stay in the subjugated area, living within Shanghai rent inside boundary, which was called isolated island.