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莱罗是一种传统。Lelo is a tradition.

承袭的传统可以改变。The legacy can change.

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什么样的新传统呢?What kind of traditions?

创建家庭传统。Create family traditions.

在传统中发现美。See beauty in traditions.

在亚洲哪些国家有付小费的传统?Does People Pay Tips In Asia?

中华民族历来爱好和平,自古就有和为贵、亲仁善邻的传统。The Chinese people love peace.

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传统的答案是,没有。The conventional answer is no.

谁使用传统医学?Who uses traditional medicine?

这将成为我们的传统。This is becoming our tradition.

传统的三股桥梁。Traditional three-unit bridges.

蜘蛛香为一味传统的中药。It should be a traditional drug.

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她从来不尊重传统。She's no respecter of tradition.

这是传统的思维定势。That is the conventional wisdom.

传统医学的安全性如何?How safe is traditional medicine?

它仅仅是一个村庄的传统。It is simply a village tradition.

旧的传统张在消失。The old traditions are dying out.

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贵族行为理应高尚的传统。The tradition of noblesse oblige.

这个传统是怎么来的?How does this tradition come from?

南传上座部传统的僧伽日。Sangha Day in Theravada tradition.