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现在本田再一次成为众矢之的。Now Honda has been a target again.

往往会得罪一大帮的人,成为众矢之的。Often, a large group of people against her thoughtlessness.

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任何知名人士都要冒风险,会成为通俗刊物的众矢之的。Any public figure risk is made an aunt sally by the popular press.

让我们卷入这场危机的银行家们,在冰岛现在已经成为众矢之的了。The bankers who got us into this mess are not loved here in Iceland.

总统对税收的意见使他成为众矢之的…The president's comments on taxes made him a sitting duck to critics.

任何知名人士都要冒风险,会成为通俗刊物的众矢之的。Any public figure risks being made an Aunt Sally by the popular press.

他的到来也会结束众矢之的的赛科在尤文的生涯。Marotta's arrival will also spell the end for under-fire Alessio Secco.

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而穆斯林和佛教徒几乎是众矢之的,没人待见。And almost everyone disliked Muslims and Buddhists more than any other group.

他的话也许是对的,但是在这种阴暗的经济大气候下,这些人很容易就会成为众矢之的。He may well be right. But in this gloomy economic climate, they are easy targets.

而费多拉夫则成了库尔尼科娃众多崇拜者的众矢之的。She was single but it seems no longer. This man has become the envy of Kournikova admirers.

威姆斯特和比尔斯利也因此成为后来的读者反映批评家的众矢之的。It is Wimsatt and Beardsley who also bear the brunt of the later "reader-response" critics' ire.

在每个人看来,弗兰克最近的一些糟糕表现使之成为众矢之的。"Frank got targeted a little recently due to some bad performances from everyone, " added Terry.

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随着总统大选频频涉及贫富差距问题,富人可能越来越感到会成为众矢之的。With the presidential election casting a spotlight on inequality, the rich will feel more like targets.

究其原因,外部因素难辞其咎,但是国内股改的“后遗症”同样成为众矢之的。Not to mention the external factors, domestic share reform's "aftermath" is also a vector to the public.

日本一系列限电计划一出,东京电力公司立刻成为众矢之的。Anger in Japan is mounting at Tokyo Electric Power Co over its management of a series of planned blackouts.

一项国际民调中,当被问及全球哪国女人最丑,英国女成了众矢之的。The nation's females were lambasted when asked which country had the ugliest women in an international poll.

她的策略就是不要触及那些特别敏感的改革计划以免自己及本届政府成为众矢之的。Her tactic is not to identify too closely with any particular reforms and to let her ministers take the flak.

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库尔特先生以反对正流派艺术而闻名,他也许会因为他的观点而成为众矢之的。Mr Kurtz, known for his anti-establishment art, may simply have become the target of harassment for his views.

尽管这位反腐败领导人正在成为众矢之的,但是仍然有人支持他。Despite the significant criticism being heaped on the anti-corruption chief, Lumumba is not without supporters.

未来,"全球化"一词很有可能取代美国文化帝国主义而成为新的众矢之的。In the future, the term “globalization” has the potential to replace the criticism of U.S. cultural imperialism.