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新的清洁能源经济将会迎头赶上,尽管把它和互联网相提并论还不合时宜。The new clean-energy economy will do no less.

我希望给予学生迎头赶上的时间。I wanted the students to have time to catch up.

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天火大火迎头赶上和网页加载迅速。Skyfire fires up fast and web pages load quickly.

他们不仅没有迎头赶上,反而是掉队了。Not only had they not kept up, they'd fallen behind.

他们不仅没有迎头赶上,反而是掉队了。Not only had they not kept up, they’d fallen behind.

科学已经迎头赶上,巫师的丑恶嘴脸终被曝光。The science has caught up and the shamans are exposed.

西班牙和法国仍是最大市场,但中国正迎头赶上。Spain and France remain the biggest markets, but China is catching up.

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虽然宪兵,是市场上的领先地位,市场正在迎头赶上。Although the gendarmerie is ahead of the market the market is catching up.

在使地球变暖的不光彩竞赛中,发展中国家正在迎头赶上。In the inglorious race to warm the planet, developing countries are catching up.

而可能品牌在中国的传播速度要较其他两个地方较慢,但也在迎头赶上的过程中。Oakwood spread across China slower than it's two main rivals but is catching up fast!

是到了苹果迎头赶上的时候了-特别是在多媒体领域发出苹果的声音。It’s time — especially with Apple’s claims in the media world — for Apple to catch up.

安提戈涅呼吁Creon有她的逮捕,警告他,她的病正在迎头赶上。Antigone calls on Creon to have her arrested, warning him that her disease is catching.

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蜘蛛和蚕都是材料科学领域的大师,不过终于科学家正迎头赶上。Spiders and silkworms are masters of materials science, but scientists are finally catching up.

圣诞节前两天,新罕布什尔州的一项民意调查显示,我的支持率仅次于保罗.聪格斯,而且正在迎头赶上。Two days before Christmas, a New Hampshire poll placed me second to Paul Tsongas and closing fast.

很高兴看到自撒切尔夫人执政以来一直落后的保守党联盟终于迎头赶上。It's good to see the Tory-led coalition finally catching up after the laggard Thatcher-Major years.

最迟钝的密西根州也在吸引外国直接投资方面迎头赶上,现已位居全国第四。But even Michigan, one of the rustier states, has seen a boost from foreign investors, ranking fourth.

但是,寻求这种普通的话在法律设定的超仔细解释可能会迎头赶上。But seeking such ultra-careful interpretations of ordinary words in legal settings may be catching on.

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韩国是亚洲最发达的网络购物市场,其次是日本,但中国正在迎头赶上。Korea is the most developed online shopping market in Asia, followed by Japan, but China is catching up.

其它学科以及对这项挑战做出了反应,”伊斯特布鲁克总结道,“现在,是软件行业迎头赶上的时候了。Other disciplines are already developing disciplinary responses to this challenge," Easterbrook concluded.

然而与苹果的appstore相比,黑莓的应用程序世界还差得远,而且Adroid也有可能会很快的迎头赶上。However, BB App World comes nowhere close to the Apple appstore, and Android may quickly pull ahead as well.