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赵建国是战士。The children were playing soldiers.

非常正确。请看这儿。这个大国是哪一个国家?Very good. Look here. What is this big country?

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中国是扞卫自身的正义建造的技术。China is just developing technology to defend themselves.

灵里贫穷的人有福了,因为诸天的国是他们的。Bless are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

芋是世界上最古老的作物之一,中国是芋的起源地之一。As a crop, taro has a history that is one of the longest in the world.

伊儿汗国是蒙古帝国第三次西征的直接产物。Ilkhanate is the direct result of the third Mongol conquest on the West.

2010年世界环境日庆祝活动的全球主办国是卢旺达。The global host of the 2010 World Environment Day celebration is Rwanda.

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侯赛因来美国是去梅奥医学中心治疗癌症。Hussein was in the United States for cancer treatments at the Mayo Clinic.

在这场战役之前,赵国是战国时期最有实力的国家之一。Before the battle, Zhao was one of the most powerful of the Warring States.

1878年7月27日出生在日本名古屋市,其父松井武国是武士。July 27, 1878 was born in Nagoya, Japan, the son of Matsui Wu is a warrior.

祂的国是永远的国,一切掌权的都必事奉祂,顺从祂。His kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.

如果该国是阿拉伯国家,毗邻埃及,你会想这是一场革命。If the country was Arab and situated next to Egypt, you could imagine a revolution.

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虢国是西周初分封的重要姬姓国,汉以后的文献中记载了东、西、南、北和小虢五个虢国。Guo state was a vital state surnamed Ji enfeoffed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty.

孟国和骠国是中印两国间横跨大陆的活跃的通商之道。The Mon and Pyu kingdoms were an active overland trade route between India and China.

南越国是秦末汉初存在于岭南地区的重要地方政权。Nanyue Kingdom was an important regional regime in Lingnan in late Qin and early Han Dynasty.

陈晓东说,二战期间,中英两国是远东战场上的盟友。Chen said that during the World War II the UK and China were allies on the Far East battlefield.

为义受逼迫的人有福了,因为诸天的国是他们的。Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

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宋国是殷商后裔的封国,在春秋时期是一个比较特殊的诸侯国。Song state, as an offspring of Shang Dynasty, is a more special state in Spring and Autumn Period.

传闻傲雪国是四国当中最富强国家竟没人懂得吾国语言真是笑话!Aoxue rumors are four countries in the country's most prosperous country, no one actually knows my language, a joke!

北宋后期的“国是”核心议题是变法,南宋则是和、守与战。The late Northern Song Dynasty "National" core issue is the Reform and the Southern Song was, and to abide with the war.