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警察在一个树洞里找到了藏匿的小刀,还有赃款。The police found a knife together with the stolen money, hidden in a hollow tree.

所骗取的赃款后被全部扣押并发还被害人。Swindles after the ill-gotten money, is detained and returns the victim completely.

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唐某等人将赃款用于炒股和装修新房,大肆挥霍。Tangmou and others will be money for new stock and decoration, wantonly squandered.

他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed.

他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。“颜色”英语。They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed.

我告诉他们我是清白的,但他们还是坚持要搜查我的房子,看看能否找得到赃款。I told them that my hands were clean, but they still demanded to search my house for the stolen money.

贪污犯受到了严厉惩罚,并被责令每月退还部分赃款。The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month.

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张喜武自杀前曾因为经济问题接受调查,承认受贿并主动退回了赃款。Before Zhang took his life, he had admitted taking bribes and handed in the money after being investigated.

二者一起为洗钱提供了许多的方便之门,并掩盖了犯罪所得赃款的最初来源。Together they have opened up many more channels for laundering dirty money and provided more opportunities to hide its origins.

如果罪行涉及因实施谋杀行为而提供或收受任何赃款,增加4级。If the offense involved the offer or the receipt of anything of pecuniary value for undertaking the murder, increase by 4 levels.

黑帽技术是不道德的SEO的应用程序,误导流量网站或赃款提高其排名。Black hat techniques are the unethical application of SEO which misleads traffic to a site or illegitimately improves its ranking.

对于外国扣押的赃款赃物,应合理合法地提交移交请求,不应轻易放弃。For foreign money, stolen goods seized should be reasonable and legitimate to submit the transfer request, should not be given up lightly.

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鉴于谢连才归案后认罪态度较好,赃款已退出,故在量刑时对其从轻处罚。Given the only large-even better after the guilty plea, had to withdraw from the ill-gotten money, the time of its leniency in sentencing punishment.

就在这个月,新华社报道说华东两个前市长因滥用职权获取了百万单位的赃款而被处死刑。Just this month, Xinhua reported that two former vice mayors in eastern China were executed after being convicted of abuse of power to gain millions.

从魏某处扣押人民币1500元、手机一部、银行卡3张,现金人民币5900元,上述赃款已发还被害人。Somewhere detains the Renminbi 1500 Yuan, handset, bankcard 3 from Wei, the cash Renminbi 5900 Yuan, the above ill-gotten money has returned the victim.

根据这些协定或条约,中国可以请求这些国家给予司法协助,将逃往国外的涉嫌腐败犯罪嫌疑人进行拘押,押解回国,赃款也会得以归还。As a result, China can ask judicial assistance from these countries in capturing and extraditing these suspects and retrieving the money they took abroad.

这项证据有助于检方周二打赢官司,让这位瑞典人被判21个月有期徒刑。他的共犯仍逍遥法外,而赃款尚未被追回。The evidence helped prosecutors win a 21-month prison sentence for the Swede on Tuesday. His accomplice is still at large and the loot hasn't been recovered.

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据财新报道,导游应该为其所有游客门票交全款,却和门卫合谋欺骗以分得赃款。According to Caixin, the tour guides, who should later have paid in full for the tickets, colluded with the guards to shortchange the museum and split the profits.

由于我国现行法律未对赃款赃物的追缴问题作出具体明确的规定,导致实务中陷入困境。Since there still has no specific regulations on the issue of recovering illicit money and goods in our current law, its practical affairs have fallen into hardship.

利用民法先行追缴外逃贪官赃款,再用刑事程序引渡外逃贪官,可减少外逃贪官带来的损失。For reducing the damage of such corrupt officials, it is effective to recover the illicit money under the civil law first and then extradite the officials by criminal procedure.