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这也是功夫!This, too, is gongfu.

他妈的功夫熊猫?…Fucking Kung-Fu pandas?

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和现在你节省功夫。And now you save kungfu.

我忙得连喘口气儿的功夫都没有。I'm too busy to take a breath.

功夫熊猫回来啦!Kungfu panda is back in action!

在少林寺学功夫,中国Kung fu at Shaolin Temple, China

功夫世界国服视频。World of KungFu, Chinese Server.

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我这几天得在物理学上下点功夫了。I have to swot up my physics now.

这什么功夫开门和结束?What time does it open oned close?

为了能够偷懒,我花了很大的功夫。I invested lots of time to be lazy.

贝鲁斯科尼就是我们自己的功夫熊猫。Berlusconi is our own Kung Fu Panda.

外国人称中国武术为功夫。Foreigners call Chinese Wushu Gongfu.

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放心吧,我们可是学过功夫的。Don't worry, we have learnt the kungfu.

掌握一门新学科要花多年功夫。It takes years to master a new subject.

老师们也下了功夫教学生这方面的技能。And teachers can do a lot to teach that.

会些自保的功夫。Will some efforts of self-preservations.

功夫起源于中国,是空手道和柔术的祖先。It is the ancestor of karate and jujitsu.

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简洁地讲述一个故事是需要花功夫的。It takes work to tell a story succinctly.

那个胖大可爱的功夫大侠是我的儿子!The big lovely Kung Fu warrior is my son!

这部分是我需要多花功夫做好的地方。This is something I need to work more on.