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辖制他们的人呼叫,我的名整天受亵渎。And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed.

执政掌权的用何法辖制我们?。What do the principalities and powers use to enslave us?

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你需要使用这些知识,但是不能被其所辖制。You need to use such knowledge but not to be ruled by it.

一个基督徒是最自由的万物之主,不受人何辖制!A christian man is a most free lord of all, subject to none!

在神的眼中,我们不再受旧人的辖制。In God's sight, that old nature is no longer reigning over us.

当非利士人辖制以色列人的时候,参孙作以色列的士师二十年。And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines twenty years.

当非利士人辖制以色列人的时候,参孙作以色列的士师二十年。Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines.

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如我们所见,这里在讲十字架使我们脱离罪的辖制,并带给我们自由。As you can see, it’s talking about freedom from sin that the Cross bring us.

中央情报局和其他情报部门受国会辖制,要对国会负责。The CIA and other intelligence operations are under control of the Congress.

耶和华折断了恶人的杖,辖制人的圭The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.

这地许多出产归了列王、就是你因我们的罪所派辖制我们的。Because of our sins, its abundant harvest goes to the kings you have placed over us.

信徒不再受到律法的咒诅,刑罚和罪咎感的辖制。Believers are free from the law's curse, its penalty, and its guilt-producing power.

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就好像彼得在那里写信劝告教会的长老,不要贪财、不要辖制神的子民,乃是要做他们的榜样。Elders are not to be greedy for money, not lording over the people but to be their examples.

想象一下他们不受美国法律的辖制,我们的宪法对他们没有任何约束力。Imagine that they operated outside of US law, and that the Constitution did not apply to them.

阿Q用精神胜利法战胜别人,套中人则用套子辖制别人。Q uses spirit victory to defeat other people, but The Trapper uses traps to control other people.

主啊,我们不愿漠视现在发生的事情,但也不愿被它辖制,好像没有其它更重要的事一样。Lord, we don't want to be ignorant of the present or tyrannized by it, as if nothing else mattered.

当我们知道那位独一而伟大的神创造和管理万物,我们便不再被迷信辖制。When we know that one great God created and controls all things, we are set free from superstition.

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连他们的仆人也辖制人民,但我因为敬畏神,就不这样行。Their assistants also lorded it over the people. But out of reverence for God I did not act like that.

请求神洁净我们与完全洗净我们所有被邪灵辖制的捆绑与渴望。Please ask that God cleanse us and completely wash away all evil bondages and desires from the team members.

超市四处游说,以确保政策法规不针对超市和其供应商,而是辖制小企业。They lobby to ensure that the burden of regulation falls not on them and their suppliers, but on small business.