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但另一个挥之不去的问题是,为什么选择的是海葬?But the lingering question is, Why at sea?

海葬的具体地点并未透露。The exact location of the burial was not revealed.

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随后,美军迅速将其尸体海葬。They then ferried the body out for a quick burial at sea.

有关官员称,尸体已动用航空母舰进行海葬。Officials say the body was buried at sea from a Navy ship.

美国官员表示,本拉登已在阿富汗海葬。From there, American officials said, the body was buried at sea.

通常来说,都是采用土葬、火葬或者海葬。In general, they adopt the inhumation, cremation and sea-burial.

突击队员收了本•拉登的尸体,将他海葬。The raiders took Bin Laden’s body with them and it was buried at sea.

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海葬对于穆斯林来说只会用于极端的情况下。Sea burials are permissible for Muslims in extraordinary circumstances.

据英媒报道,如今,越来越多的英国人开始选择环保的海葬。More people are choosing an eco-friendly sea burial, UK media reported recently.

尽管有穆斯林网站表示海葬在特定的情况下是被允许的,但这在伊斯兰社会中仍然是很罕见的。Burial at sea is rare in Islam, though Muslim websites say it is permitted in certain circumstances.

他们说海葬也是允许的,但是只能出现在一些特别的场合,如在航行中的船上死亡。Sea burials can be allowed, they said, but only in special cases where the death occurred aboard a ship.

沙特阿拉伯的神父质疑美国如此草率的海葬是否是真正的遵循了伊斯兰教的习俗及教律。Clerics in Saudi Arabia questioned whether the hasty burial at sea really followed Islamic law and customs.

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之后本拉登的尸体被海葬,美国官员说这是避免他的陵墓变成神殿。Afterwards the body was being buried at sea. US officials said this was to avoid his grave becoming a shrine.

1944年列克星敦号军舰在驶往新几内亚途中,全舰官兵向阵亡者海葬前哀悼。The crew of the USS Lexington stand at attention for a burial at sea, while en route near New Guinea in 1944.

出现在圣战网站上的另一份声明则认为本·拉登的海葬是“贬低和羞辱他的家人”。Another statement appeared on a jihadist website saying the burial of Bin Laden at sea "demeans and humiliates his family".

他死后海葬,并获颁维多利亚十字勋章。那是表扬英国军人勇敢的最高荣誉勋章。He was buried at sea, and awarded posthumously the Victoria Cross, the highest award for gallantry that can be given to British forces.

尽管参加海葬的总数在增加,但是占北京市总人口的比重还比较低。Despite the growth in total amount, the percentage of people signing up for sea burials is still minor when compared to other alternatives.

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在花费数年时间追捕到世界头号通缉犯后,美国为何24小时内就将本拉登海葬?After spending many years hunting down the world's most wanted man, why did the U.S. bury Osama bin Laden at sea within 24 hours of killing him?

视频在奥巴马的管理团队中放映。管理层最终决定不公开杀死本·拉登的照片,并对基地组织头目进行海葬。The videos were shown amid the Obama administration's decision not to release photos of the slain bin Laden and bury the al Qaeda leader at sea.

这是海葬的一种,同时第一阶段估计可保存850个遗体,终极目标是达到12.5万个遗体存放量。It is a type of burial at sea and the first phase is estimated to be able to accommodate 850 remains, with an eventual goal of more than 125,000 remains.