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在国际法庭之前,你能够抓到山姆大叔。You can take Uncle Sam before a world court.

认识的人都称其为“山姆大叔”。People know him always called him "Uncle Sam".

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为什么人类包括火星人都讨厌山姆大叔?Why does human including Marsian hate Uncle Sam?

我想是山姆大叔强迫症地诽谤中国。I thought it is Uncle who obsessively "badmouth" China.

这样“山姆大叔”渐渐就成了美国的“绰号”。In this way, "Uncle Sam" has become the nickname of Amercia.

这块被人们称做山姆大叔的白色钻石的重量为40.23克拉。Named the Uncle Sam, the white diamond weighed 40.23 carats.

只有一种反作用力,那就是你,山姆大叔。Only one counterforce was available, and that was you, Uncle Sam.

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有毒资产不再只是一堆证券化的次级的山姆大叔的抵押贷款。Toxic assets are no longer just a pile of securitised subprime US mortgages.

中国取代美国成为一哥只是时间问题,山姆大叔是明白人。It's a matter of time Big Brother China will overtake US and Uncle Sam knows that.

美元也一样,市面上的美元越多,购买力就越低,所以山姆大叔在印钞票的时候市面上的汽油、食品和黄金都变贵了。Same goes for the US dollar. The more dollars there are, the less each one will buy.

山姆大叔出现的时间要比弗兰格的广告早一个世纪,它是另一场战争的产品。Uncle Sam predates Flagg's poster by over a century and is the product of a different war.

历史上没有那个国家像山姆大叔那样在如此多的领域取得突破。Arguably, no country in history has been as ground-breaking in as many fields as Uncle Sam.

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代表美国的政治漫画人物是那位身高很高,长着一脸胡茬的山姆大叔。Political cartoons often represent the U. S. as a tall man with chin whiskers , called Uncle Sam.

这个政权腐败不堪,靠毒品贸易和山姆大叔的银子中饱私囊。It is a corrupt regime which has enriched itself through the narco-trade and Uncle Sam’s billions.

他勤劳、忠厚、乐观,备受人们尊敬,大家都亲切地称他“山姆大叔”。He is diligent, honest, optimistic, respected by the people, people affectionately call him "Uncle Sam".

他们计划高中一毕业就结婚,但“山姆大叔”却另有主意。They had planned on marrying as soon as they graduated from high school but "Uncle Sam" had other ideas.

他们曾计划高中一毕业就结婚,但是“山姆大叔”另有安排。They had planned on marrying as soon as they graduated from high school but " Uncle Sam6 " had other ideas.

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当然,在与西班牙的冲突以及在一战期间,山姆大叔挥动大棒,并由此缔造一支杰出的海军。Uncle Sam did arm, of course, during the conflict with Spain and World War I, creating an outstanding Navy.

今天,人们在车展上看到并试图进口的一些车被山姆大叔拒绝进口。Today, we present some of the cars people tried to import under Show and Display that were rejected by Uncle Sam.

所以山姆大叔现在进退两难,他无法在加税和减赤的同时避免衰退加深,他也不能多发货币又不加剧通胀。And this is why Uncle Sam is in a Catch 22. He can’t raise taxes or cut spending without making the recession worse.