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重新捡起那些水彩…Pick up those water-colors.

已经绝种的熊猫牌水彩。The extinct Panda Water Colour.

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那个画家用水彩作画。The artist painted in water colors.

由胶水协调的不透光水彩。An opaque watercolor bound with gum.

水彩农村房子标识。Watercolor countryside house logotype.

大家好,我是水彩闭,请多多关照!Good I watercolors T, a lot of attention!

使用薄刷油漆水彩树木。Use thin brush to paint watercolor trees.

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首先用铅笔轻力在水彩纸上起稿。Draft the townhouse on watercolor paper with pencil.

纹理水彩颜料时,天空仍是湿的。Texture a watercolor sky when the paint is still wet.

使用水彩颜料来润色宝丽来转移。Use watercolor paints to touch up Polaroid transfers.

磨砂和喷雾水彩创建有趣的纹理。Scrub and spray watercolors to create interesting textures.

水彩颜料可以用来为图画涂色,或者直接用来绘画。Watercolor paint can be used to color drawings or by itself.

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像水彩,画纸的质量是关键。Like watercolor, the quality of the working surface is critical.

了解如何在这个自由组合艺术课视频水彩颜料。Learn how to mix watercolor paints in this free art lesson video.

画笔和水彩将我带回到童年时代。Paintbrushes and watercolors bring out the memories of childhood.

水彩是一种需要处理复色的颜料。If any one medium cries for the broken color approach, this is it.

蒂蒙斯迷人的水彩画作在意义明确的变化。Timmons's charming watercolors make the change in meaning clearer.

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了解如何水彩颜料飞溅在这个自由的艺术课视频。Learn how to watercolor splatter paint in this free art lesson video.

用水彩艺术家,摄影师漆油或与光。Artists paint with oils or watercolors, photographers paint with light.

这个水彩画家的大名享誉全球。The name of the painter in watercolors is known for all over the world.