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查克认输了。Chuck was defeated.

我们从不认输。We never surrender.

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他从不认输。That man never admits defeat.

我认输了,告诉我答案吧。I give up. Tell me the answer.

让苍天知道我不认输。Let the heaven know my gameness.

奈杰尔在握手之前走了41.Qxe2,然后接受了伊万的认输。Nigel played 41.Qxe2 before he accepted.

我认为我们应该大大方方地认输。I think we should just give in gracefully.

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我非常佩服安德拉拒绝认输。I very admire Andra's refusing to give up.

我退出竞选,我认输投降。I stood aside, so I hauled down my colours.

在大公无私的时间前面,谁也不能不低头认输。Everyone has to bow before the selfless time.

一时一刻都不要以为执政党认输了。Do not think for a minute that power concedes.

玩游戏时支持悔棋、求和、认输功能。Play games support undo, sum, losing function.

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看来我的计划不切实际,是认输的时候了。The project was ridiculous. Time to admit defeat.

克劳德加快了速度,男子汉是不会认输的。Claud quickened up, a man wouldn't give the battle.

好吧,好吧!我认输。你堂堂正正地打败我了。OK! OK, I surrender. You've beaten me fair and square.

随后就是认输,做一点自我批评。Later they admit defeat and do a little self-criticism.

困难总会有,但是认输气馁却于事无补。There are difficulties, but being defeatist can't help.

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“我知道,我爸跟我妈都是那种不认输的人,”她回忆说,“我一直觉得他们或早或迟一定会回来的,我只是不确定什么时候。”I figured they'd come back home. I just didn't know when.

只要你不认输,就有机会!As long as you do not admit defeat will have the opportunity!

乀坚强的女人会认输,但不会服输。Fu strong woman will admit defeat, but will not admit defeat.