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将牛柳条盛起,可伴饭或意粉同吃。Serve hot with pasta or rice.

柳条常用来编筐。Osier is used to make baskets.

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屠夫她闻到了柳条女人的香味。The butcher smelt her fragrance.

放鱼的柳条编织的篮子。A wicker basket used to hold fish.

她跪下来看,发现了柳条婴儿。Kneeling, she found the wicker baby.

柳条丈夫是用柳树做的。The wicker husband was made of willow.

一架架柳条鸟笼悬挂在枝下。He dumped the spoons in a wicker basket.

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这些篮子是用柳条编的。The baskets are woven from strips of willow.

他将不常用的东西放入柳条包。He put rarely-used things into the wicker bag.

牛柳条回镬,调味及拌入酸忌廉。Return the beef, add seasoning and sour cream.

厌倦了做土豆泥和鸡柳条?Tired of making Tater Tots and chicken fingers?

各类木材及木制品,柳条编等。Various timber and wood products, wickers, etc.

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难道柳条丈夫不高大而优雅吗?Hadn't the wicker husband been tall and graceful?

然后,柳条丈夫去了村里的小酒馆。Next, the wicker husband went to the village inn.

老制篮商带着柳条丈夫回到家里。The old basket-maker took the wicker husband home.

他将不常用的东西放入柳条包。A wicker box which is made of skinless white twigs.

只是继续微笑着柳条,我们在做什么。Just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.

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终于有一天,不再有声音从小柳条鸟笼里传出。One day no song came up from the little wicker cage.

这样的转变表示这些柳条已经满足了剥皮的要求。Thus the rods meet their process to become debarked.

所以这次我用黑刺李做了柳条女子。Therefore I made you the wicker lady from blackthorn.