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而谁又能平复暗潮,告诉它何去何从?But who could tame the tide away and tell it where to go?

在貌似平静的职工持股会外表下面,其实是暗潮涌动。In the seemingly calm facade ESOP Association is actually surging undercurrent.

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但在海洋主权问题上,中国与领国仍有纠纷,暗潮四起。But sovereignty disputes between China and its neighbours still roil the waters.

看似红火的网游业务也暗潮汹涌。See the net that is like flourishing swim business also undercurrent is billowy.

对他来说,屈服于“城市暗潮”要比出人头地容易得多。It was easier for him to succumb to the “urban undertow” than to be singled out for achievement.

史蒂文森却在这股暗潮中看到了光明的一面,她指出,幸福与此无关。Stevenson looks on the bright side of the dark trend, suggesting that happiness is beside the point.

画面平和的外表下由此而显得暗潮涌动、富有张力。Therefore, under the peaceful outside of the frames appear springing up as undercurrent and full of tension.

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画面平和的外表下由此而显得暗潮涌动、富有张力。Therefrom, under the peaceful outside of the frames appear springing up as undercurrent and full of tension.

当各股市大幅下挫纷纷登上大媒体头条,债券以及货币市场也暗潮涌动。WHILE the big equity market falls may grab the headlines, there is a lot going on in the bond and money markets.

这份工作报告下暗潮汹涌,原由似乎是总统和他的手下都是控制狂。Beneath the surface of the 100 Days lurks a deeper issue. The president and his people seem to be control freaks.

一场模棱两可却暗藏杀机的演出,源自我们模棱两可却又暗潮涌动的生活。A performance that is ambiguous but that could kill originates in our ambiguous lives surging with hidden currents.

只要翻过一座座山岳,趟过一条条暗潮,才干品味成功甜美地果实。Be over a subterranean flow only when have climbed over the peak , ranks, ability samples luscious fruit of victory.

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他相逢了公司新人琪琪,开端了两人的地下爱情,外表上宁静的办公室却暗潮涌动。He met the new company, the two people start chichi underground love, appearance of quiet but surge of AnChao office.

此外在澳大利亚、加拿大、巴西等中国的主要原材料供应国,人民币的影响力也暗潮涌动。It's also making waves in countries that are major raw-materials suppliers to China such as Australia, Canada and Brazil.

有人在多年前就预测了社会传媒业的风暴来袭,而这是由于全球经济的衰退而引发,还是预示着另一股蓬勃产业的暗潮汹涌呢?Who, just a few years ago, would have predicted the explosion in social media, the collapse in the global economy or the rise of the tree frog as a superpower?

这股否认历史的暗潮对日本政局的走向以及亚太地区的和平与稳定产生了消极影响。This history-denying countercurrent has exerted a negative influence on Japan's political direction as well as on peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

由于暗潮涌动的市场条件明显降低了交易业务的银行收益比例,该决定可能导致交易员中一次大规模裁员。The decisions could lead to hundreds of layoffs among traders at a time when choppy market conditions have significantly reduced the portion of earnings banks derive from trading.

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今年十月的木扎尔特冰河水量不大,此处河面宽约十几米,水深估计超过一米,虽说不上是波涛汹涌却也暗潮涌动。This year, october's water is not much more in this river, the width is about more than tem meters in this place, the depth may be more than one meter, although it is not surfy , but dangerous.