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那是一个辗转难眠的长夜。Iave had a long night in stir.

擦拭厨房的工作台面和辗转。Wipe the countertops and toss.

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我辗转漂到了省城。I turn to the provincial capital.

他正在床上辗转难眠。He was tossing and turning in bed.

可那些辗转难眠的时日又何以存在?But why those sleepless days exist?

整整一夜,我心中辗转不安。Thru the night my heart was aching.

我一整晚辗转难眠。I tossed and turned in bed all night.

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辗转以后,你还是把我的手放开。Removed later, you still put my hand open.

在这城市我于每夜辗转翻覆。In this city I'm in every night in overturned.

索丕躺在麦迪逊广场一条长凳上辗转不安。On his bench Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily.

夜里,农妇躺在床上,忐忑不安辗转难眠。The farmer went to bed that night feeling troubled.

也记录了那些黑夜,当时大地在混沌困惑中辗转不安。And of nights when earth was upwrought with confusion

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随即又辗转到锡克教徒手中,最终在它在英国停止了流浪。It later went to the Sikhs and ended up with the British.

因为患了失眠症,他总是辗转难眠。Because of insomnia, he always tosses and turns restlessly.

这里的中文翻译为“但我可不会为此辗转难眠”She was with another man. But I won't lose no sleep on that.

油尽灯灭如斯长夜,我辗转难入睡。All night long night oil lamp, I traveled difficult to sleep.

辗转难眠,床铺柔软,我竟敌不过一个枕头的安然。Sleepless, bed is soft, I actually no match for a pillow of enron.

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丹尼尔·韦伯斯特辗转腾挪,使出了浑身解数,还用拳头使劲儿捶桌子。Daniel Webster twisted and turned and thumped his fist on the table.

我是一个没有方向的流浪汗,生命对于我来说就是一场辗转难测的徒步旅行。I am a without direction bum, life for me is a quite dangerous hiking.

懒人在床榻上辗转,犹如门扇在枢纽上旋转。As the door turneth upon its hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.