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发票上有'付讫'字样。The Invoice be marked ' paid'.

发票上有'付讫'字样。The invoice is marked ' paid'.

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他在发票上盖上了“收讫”字样。He stamped “receipt”on the bill.

她用手印字模印上了“非卖品”字样。She handlettered a “no sale” sign.

这是一个印有“伦敦2012”字样的蛋形奖杯。This is a London 2012 branded egg cup.

这是一个印有“伦敦2012”字样的绒毛铺毯。These are London 2012 branded keyrings.

这是一个印有“伦敦2012”字样的绒毛铺毯。This is a London 2012 branded duvet cover

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品牌字样印在该婴儿车上。The brand name is printed on the stroller.

所以我也不会穿印有万宝路字样啲T恤。I do NOT wear a T-shirt with a Marlboro logo.

比如不要在一个法官面前亮出你涂有“FU”字样的中指!Don't wear an "FU" manicure in front of a judge!

的字样表示安装成功了。The Installation Of Oracle9i Database Was successful.

甚至园区的下水道井盖上也印有“富士康”字样。Even the plant's manhole covers are stamped 'Foxconn.'

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带有“h”字样的车型是油电混合动力车。The models marked by "h" are gasoline-electric hybrids.

双击状态栏上的“修订”字样可开始修订文档。To track changes, double-click "TRK" on the status bar.

“六英尺还不够深”等字样的黄铜饰板中任选其一,价值30美元。and "Six feet isn't deep enough," and costs 30 dollars.

左臂紧抱着的书板上刻着1776年7月4日的字样。Her left arm holds atablet with the date July 4th, 1776.

收据上盖有“已收讫,谢谢”字样的章。The invoice have the stamp "received with thanks" on it.

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收据上盖有“已收讫,谢谢”字样的章。The invoice has the stamp ' received with thanks ' on it.

观看特别演出的请柬上注有“请戴黑领结”字样。The invitation to the gala performance is marked 'black tie.

福特汽车的标志是采用福特英文Ford字样,蓝底白字。Ford Ford English Ford logo is the word used, blue and white.