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库仑力就是这个故事的结尾。They're Coulombic forces, end of story.

国际单位制中的电荷单位是什么,库仑。What is the unit of charge in SI? Coulomb.

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库仑力会更强。So the Coulombic forces are much, much greater.

如果我把这两个乘起来,库仑乘以伏特是多少?If I multiply these two, what is the coulomb times a volt?

换种说法,即库仑力。Or just to be pluralistic in our language, coulombic force.

点内电子-电子库仑作用会引起退相干么?。Do intradot electron-electron interactions induce dephasing?

配体还必须很小,以提供高的库仑能。The ligands must also be small to provide high Coulomb energy.

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它在引力和库仑力中都起着重要的作用It plays a big role in gravitation, in the Coulomb interaction.

库仑力,库仑或者静电力被提到了。So, the Coulombic forces, Coulombic or electrostatic forces draw.

在ABAQUS里有两种定义基本库仑摩擦模型的方法。There are two ways to define the basic Coulomb friction model in ABAQUS.

通常采用朗金理论或库仑理论计算作用在挡土墙上的土压力。The earth pressure is calculated by using Rankin theory or Column theory.

没有关系,如果在这里用库仑和伏特,我想都没想。With impunity. If I use coulombs here and volts here, I don't even think.

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后来库仑发现了库仑定律,才知道这是电荷之间的排斥作用Coulomb discovered the Coulomb's law, which is a repulsion between charges.

另外我们还考虑了自旋-轨道相互作用和库仑相互作用。Spin-orbit interaction and coulomb term have also been taken into consideration.

一个12伏汽车电池在5秒钟里供给立体声录音机20库仑的电荷。A 12-v automobile battery supplies 20 c of charge in 5 s to a stereo tape player.

这里有巨大的能量,库仑力,高熔点与高沸点。These are huge energies, Coulombic forces, high melting points and boiling points.

能放在这里的最小电荷,是1。6*10^-19,库仑。The smallest charge I could put here would be 1.6 times 10 to the minus 19 coulombs.

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本文报道一种简易库仑滴定恒流源测定纯碱总碱量的方法。This paper reported the coulometric method of determinating total alkalinity of soda.

为了扩展库仑测量范围,使用外部电容器作为反馈元件。To extend the coulombs ranges, an external capacitor is used as the feedback element.

俄歇能谱分析表明库仑分析法测定铜的硫化腐蚀膜厚度是可靠的。The AES analysis shows that coulometry was used correctly in our experiment condition.