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“卧倒!”队长叫道。"Lie down! " shouted the captain.

我卧倒,伸开四肢趴着。Down I went, sprawled on all fours.

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如果敌人开火,就卧倒。If the enemy opened fire, keep down.

在他前面的士兵开始卧倒,匍匐前进。The private in front of him began crawling.

卧倒,同志们!卧倒!敌机在向我们射击!Down, comrades ! Down! The enemy bomber is shooting at us!

卧倒,茼志们!卧倒!敌机恠向莪们射击!Down, comrades ! Down! The enemy bomber is shooting at us!

她让孩子们迅速卧倒,这样救了他们的生命。She saved the children's lives by fling them to the floor.

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听到大爆炸到时候,我在自己的房间里卧倒。I was in my room, lying down, when I heard loud explosions.

敌机来时,每人都要面朝地卧倒。Everyone should lie face down when the enemy planes come over.

指定当步兵卧倒开仗的帧序列。Specifies frames used when an infantry is prone and returning fire.

士兵们听到炸弹呼啸降落时,就迅速卧倒。The soldiers flung themselves down when they heard the bombs falling.

当一个熊猫人卧倒至四肢,他的速度极大提升。When a pandaren drops down to all fours, his speed increases greatly.

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巴顿将军问是否有必要马上要卧倒在地面上。General Barton said if there was any hurry to hurl down on the ground.

最厉害的一张是我们叫教官卧倒,大家把脚踩在他的身上。The most powerful one is that we ask instructors to lie down, we put foot on him.

她坚贞不屈,申请镇定,态度从容地卧倒在敌人的刺刀之下。She application calm attitude lie down comfortably under the bayonets of the enemy.

整个队伍马上卧倒在地,结果他们被同一个狙击手一个接一个的收拾了。The entire squad hit the ground and they were picked off, one by one, by the same sniper.

犀牛睡觉的姿势很特殊,它们有时卧倒,也有时站着入睡。The posture when they are asleep is special, sometimes they sleep when they are standing.

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杰基立刻控制住自己的热情,顺从地卧倒在老人的脚旁。Immediately, Jacky controlled his enthusiasm and lay down obediently at the old man's feet.

躺于洁白的灯芯草丛,她的身体,怎能不感到卧倒处心的奇特跳动?And how can body, laid in that white rush, But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?

我并不确定最好的反映应该是什么,但它们所做的只是卧倒。I am not sure what the best plan of action is in such a situation but all they did was lie down.