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蓝仕德家人一同去杨家提亲。LanShi DE family together to Yangs marriage.

他更托尔旦向段府提亲。He is more trust, denier, propose to the period of fu.

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第二天就让张吉安抬着花轿去徐家提亲。Let Zhang Jian carried the sedan to Xu house second days.

常常上层社会所谓的绅士们会来提亲。Occasionally some upper class gentlemen would come to her to propose marriage.

他对二妹说,四喜的客栈一开张,他就正式来灵山提亲。And he said to two sisters, the inn opened four xi, he formally to lingshans hand.

张相公模样俊俏、满腹诗书,来提亲的人可多了。Mr. Zhang is handsome and knowledgeable, thus many people go to him to propose marriage.

绝对不像美国这里,提亲谈情说爱成了成年以后玩乐年代生活的一部分。It is definitely not a part of the fun-filled years of growing up like it is here in America.

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一个个年轻男人来提亲均遭到拒绝,这个牧羊人开始担心起来了。One by one young men came forward but they were rejected by her. The shepherd began to worry.

他想,“假如一个正人君子来提亲,我会把女儿嫁给他的。”He thought, "If a respectable suitor comes and asks for her hand in marriage, I will give her to him."

另一方面,洪老太向金生提亲,金生毅然答应先让建中与娃娃订婚。In the meantime, Old Madam Hong asks Jianzhong get engaged with WaWa. Jinsheng gives his consent without hesitation.

乔津帆答应陪夏晚晴回家提亲,她从未想过找莫凌天报仇。QiaoJinFan promised to accompany summer sun yat sen villa what home, she never thought MoLing day looking for revenge.

只是,”他若有所思地又加上了一句话,“您的保护人基督山先生这次怎么不来代您提亲呢?”"But, " said Danglars thoughtfully, "how is it that your patron, M. de Monte Cristo, did not make his proposal for you?

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上周五晚上,M在正大9楼的愉家,一个靠窗对着浦西的桌边,跟我爸妈提亲了。Last friday night, we booked a window table in restaurant YUGA which has river view alongside the Huangpu to west Shanghai.

贤慧请金昌为带弟向丹田求婚,金昌觉得向丹田提亲是无面子行为,拒绝妻子提议。Virtuous please jinchang as a brother to propose to abdomen, jinchang, propose to the abdomen is no face, wife refused to offer.

他们在五分钟内就挑选出了订婚戒指,但伊恩打算到圣诞节的时候再向凯拉的家人正是提亲。They picked out the engagement ring in about five minutes, but Ian wouldn't officially propose until Christmas Day in front of her family.

欧洲白人,大多数是英国人跟苏格兰人,更倾向于歌曲旋律,很少重锤击鼓,通常是使用些类如吉他、螺号、提亲的乐器。The white Europeans, mostly English and Scots, used a stronger melody, a less heavy beat, and instruments such as guitars, horns and fiddles.

谢天赐忍者内心的痛苦,带着聘礼来到上海,他要替自己的父亲向自己昔日曾经热恋的同学韩疏影提亲。Tse ninja inner pain, with the dowry came to Shanghai, he wants for his father to his former classmates once madly in love Korea thin films hand.

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晋升因肃恭知道他变卖首饰的事,劝带弟暂停计划,带弟亦因为水起三人来提亲而烦恼。Promotion ready and know that he sold jewelry, President has advised brother moratorium, with his brother because the water up to three peoples hand.

终于有一天,饭沼来正式提亲,清兵卫却以家境贫困为由拒绝了他。Eventually one day, meal billabong will talk about a marriage formally, qing Bing is defended rejected him because of family circumstances poverty however.

每一位埃及成年男子到了婚配年龄,首先要向意中人的父亲提亲或者在母系亲属及邻居中择偶。Each Egyptian adult males to the marriage age, must first discuss marriage to loved one's father or select a friend for marriage in the matriarchal relative and the neighbor.