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他因年迈而垂头。Age had bowed his head.

他供养他年迈的父亲。He keeps by his aged father.

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已故者死于年迈。The deceased died of old age.

谁来保护年迈体衰的夫妇?Who is to protect the elderly couple?

她伸出了年迈粗糙的手。Her knobbly old hand was outstretched.

假设我已经非常年迈。Suppose that I get very,very,very old.

有一个年迈的石匠,意外地获得了一块魔石。A old masons, accidentally get a magic stone.

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鹤发不都是智慧的标志,仅仅是年迈的表示。White hair is not a sign of wisdom, only age.

尼洛和帕特拉什跟一位年迈的老人住在一起。Nello and Patrasche lived with a very old man.

年迈的国王将王位让给了儿子。The old king relinquished his throne to his son.

年轻人死得不少,而年迈者是在劫难逃。Of young men die many, of old men escape not any.

这位年迈的大师正在培养一批世界级小提琴家。The old master is training world-class violinists.

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孙子孙女们长大了,爷爷、奶奶年迈古稀。Grandchildren grow up, and grandparents grow older.

今天我看到一个年迈的女人戴着一顶很大的复古帽子。I saw an old lady wearing a big classical hat today.

年迈的篮球明星会因膝盖的伤痛步履蹒跚。The old basketball star walks gingerly on aching knees.

维德在光剑决斗中击败了这位年迈的绝地武士。Vader defeated the aged Jedi Knight in a lightsaber duel.

我和年迈女性医生们住在库埃纳瓦卡的小房子里。I was in a small house in Cuernavaca with old healer women.

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戴眼镜的年迈的职员感到奇怪,转过来望着他。The ancient clerk turned his surprised spectacles upon him.

连年迈的寡妇和鳏夫都选择独自生活。Even elderly widows and widowers choose to live on their own.

可自己想起年迈的父母,总是欲哭无泪。Can you think of elderly parents, always want to cry but no tears.