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哦,离婚纠纷Okay, in divorce struggles, okay.

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

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误解引起纠纷。Misunderstanding leads to disputes.

他调解了这场家庭纠纷。He interceded in the family dispute.

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。A Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

他们之间正在酝酿着纠纷。There's trouble brewing between them.

请您调解这个纠纷,行吗?Would you mind adjusting the dispute?

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产品质量不好引起纠纷。Poor quality gives rise to complaints.

你知道,特别是当他起纠纷时。You know, especially when he fell out.

你知道,特别是当他起纠纷时。You know, expecially when he fell out.

那就是经常出现纠纷之处。That's where the trouble often comes in.

我弄清了纠纷的真正原因。I've gotten to the bottom of the dispute.

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冲突的历史会加剧了两者之间的纠纷。The history of the conflict heightens it.

在贵国怎样解决国际贸易中的纠纷呢?How to resolve the dispute in your country?

业主财产损失赔偿纠纷。Owner property damage compensation dispute.

协调水事纠纷。to coordinate and arbitrate water disputes.

排解了他们的纠纷。Friends mediated between them in the dispute.

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水事纠纷是一种复杂的社会现象。Water disputes are complex social phenomenon.

这件事会破坏团结,制造纠纷。It undermines cohesion and creates dissension.

调解纠纷,缓和矛盾。Meaning mediate a dispute and appease conflict.