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分泌胆汁,以助消化食物中的脂肪。Making bile to help digest fats from food.

在两餐之间,胆汁被储存在胆囊。Between meals, bile is stored in the gall bladder.

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胆汁由肝之精气所化生。Bile is transformed from the essence in the liver.

管持续引流胆汁可降低胆总管压力。T-tube drainage can decrease the bile duct pressure.

我艰难地吞咽了一口唾沫,我尝到一种胆汁的味道。I swallowed hard, a taste of bile invading my senses.

胆汁是通过胆道进入十二指肠的。Bile is introduced into the duodenum by the bile duct.

胆汁经总胆管流入十二指肠,并在胆囊贮存。Of or relating to bile, the bile ducts, or the gallbladder.

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肝进行消化的化学性物质是胆汁。The main digestive chemical synthesized by the liver is bile.

被抽的是如此矜贵的胆汁,黑熊们吃的又是什么呢?Bear bile is so precious, but what are bears eating every day?

有时我觉得我是坏的女孩,任性,坚决,和胆汁。Sometimes I think I'm a bad girl, capricious, adamant, and bilious.

分泌进入胆汁的胆盐和磷脂的降低。Second, secretion of bile salt and phosphatidylcholine is decreased.

画师把它们跟动物胶和牛胆汁混合,以使颜色的光泽长存。They are mixed with animal glue and ox bile to make the lustre stay.

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椰子水是非常有益的治疗胆汁发烧,它应该得到经常在小剂量。Coconut water is highly beneficial in the treatment of bilious fever.

毒鼠强主要从尿液排出,其排泄量是胆汁的5倍以上。The eliminated amount of it from urine was more 5 times than from bile.

常见的症状有腹胀、胆汁性呕吐。The most common symptoms are abdominal distension and bilious vomiting.

是否独生子女在胆汁质和多血质气质类型上有显著性差异。But whether he or she is an only child, there are remarkable differences.

结果载脂蛋白A1与血清及胆汁酯类含量变化密切相关。Result Apo A1 was found to be closely related to lipid in serum and bile.

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事情要从马普安开始把胆汁呕吐到了床头的桶里说起。What turned it was when Andy started puking bilesintoshis bedside bucket.

观察补脾疏肝和胃法对胆汁反流性胃炎的治疗结果。To observe the result on bile regurgitation gastritis from the method above.

结论利胆冲剂能有效降低胆汁的成石趋势。Conclusion Cholagogue dry syrup can decrease the lithogenic tendency of bile.