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人点烛,鬼吹灯——这是“摸金派”祖师爷就…A human lights the candle and the ghosts blow it out.

王尔德甚至成了同性恋者顶礼膜拜的“祖师爷”。Wilde went on to become homosexual worship the "ancestral."

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在那个寒冷的大年初一,祖师爷把「他」牵到我的人生路上。At that frigid Lunar New Year, my god introduced him to my life.

让我们记住,只有且仅有俺们美帝才是网络战争的祖师爷。Let's all remember, it is the US that is the daddy of cyber warfare.

但是要当心犬儒学派的安提西尼和异教祖师爷阿里乌的最后下场。But beware Antisthenes, the dog sage, and the last end of Arius Heresiarchus.

在接著的农历新年除夕,我祈求祖师爷赐我一位适合我的终生伴侣。At the following Lunar New Year's Eve, I asked the goddess to grant me a couple who is decent to me.

这些年,祖师爷为我的学业和事业铺出一道丰盛之路。In these years, the God I believe paves a brilliant way for me in both academic and career developments.

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当祖师爷召唤她回家时,我知道,这是一个没有结束的故事…TRY AND TRY. No answer the question. The result is never at the end. Cause there is no end for the story.

二十几岁才开始走入歌仔戏的世界,这位是「祖师爷的女儿」,将会我们讲述她怎样的故事。Twenties began into the opera world, this is the "ancestral home of her daughter, " how will we tell her story.

感谢祖师爷眷念我,让我「求,得最好﹗」不致成为坏男子的猎物。I am hearty thank to my god, let me "pray for my wish, granted the best", prevented me being a prey of impudent men.

目前,关于传统社会祖师爷信仰各种形式的记述不少,但大多都失之于简略。Presently, there are many statements on grandfathers' belief of traditional society. However, most of them are too simple.

鸟巢里,牙买加人把美国这位不可一世的祖师爷狠狠从讲经坛上扇了下来,并宣布他们才是男子和女子高速赛道上的大佬。Jamaica blasted the US off the podium at Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium and claimed dominance of the high-speed events for men and women.

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祖师爷不但是一个群体的“心态”或者说“心性”,它还隐喻了平等的观念、渴求以及相关的行为。Grandfather seems like the 'psychology' and 'nature of mind' of a group. It also indicates the idea, expectation and behavior of equality.

但还有一个更大的火箭助推器——从建成那一天起——就从所有这些祖师爷火箭的手里夺走了“世上最大”的称号,那就是NASA强大的土星五号。But there’s one future booster that could —when built —steal the “World’s Largest” title from the granddaddy rocket of them all, NASA’s mighty Saturn V.

武当山内家功,为祖师爷张三丰所创。以桶子功、千斤坠、五毒手为独门功夫,自宋代秘传至今。Wudang internal martial art, created by founder Zhang Sanfeng, famous for bucket practice, kink-weight, poisoned hand, taught secretly from Song Dynasty till now.

齐铁嘴见状,立即向着棺材跪地求祖师爷饶命,并向同伴解释说着棺木里才是青乌子大师的真身。JiTie mouth said, toward the coffin immediately kneel to beg the granddaddy forgive, and to your fellow explained the coffin is qing wu son to look for the master.