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写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly.

写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly. Be concise.

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这是另一种必需的赘言吗?Is this yet another necessary tautology?

无须赘言,事不宜迟,这项改革年内一定会展开。Health care reform must happen this year.

写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly. Be concise. Avoid wordiness.

人才的重要性已经无庸赘言。The importance of talents has been no doubt.

无庸赘言,有些语言更具多样性。Needless to say, some tongues are more versatile than others.

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如果说投入决定一切,那么结果本应已无需赘言。If investment was decisive the outcome would already be known.

赘言的第一步要提高你的词汇量。The first step toward verbosity is improving your vocabulary.

提供一些赘言水平给一种较好的使用者经验。Provides several verbosity levels for a better user experience.

不管你穿什么,无需赘言,都必须穿戴干净。Whatever you’re wearing, it goes without saying that it needs to be clean.

赘言凡属经营性亏损的,国家不再补亏。All losses arising from management will no longer be subsidized by the state.

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更无须赘言的是,他的单反大概是网球史上最优雅的挥拍。Not to mention that one-handed backhand of his, perhaps the most aesthetic stroke in tennis.

这一点我就不必再多所赘言,因为我认为移情语意的内涵目前就已经不言而喻。I will not go any further because this double semantic mapping seems to me to be adequate for the moment.

需要赘言的是,有许多患者用药以后易于产生恶心呕吐的反应。Those who need verbosity is, have the reaction that disgusting sickness produces easily after a lot of patients use drug.

假如你被邀请到一个学术讲座或试图给潜在的雇主留下深刻的印象,一点点的赘言无伤大雅。If you were invited to an academic conference or were trying to impress a potential employer, a bit of pleonasm couldn't hurt.

“杰拉德对利物浦的重要程度我无需赘言,但要知道接下来的比赛无论是踢平踢赢还是踢输大包子都不会在场上拼命了”卡拉格如是说。"There is no doubt Steven will be missed whether we win, lose or draw because he is such an important player here, " said Carragher.

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无需赘言,上述三国都未经历一驱逐帝国主义的共产革命。And needless to say, none underwent a communist revolution whose founding principle was driving foreign imperialists out of the country.

其缠绵悱恻、凄清婉约的细腻笔调,无须笔者赘言,读者自可玩味。Its very sentimental, chilly clear composed exquisite writing style, does not need the author superfluous word, the reader from may ponder.

命令,让变化的重要设置的飞行,如键盘回声,标点符号一级,赘言一级,语速和音量。Commands that allow changing of important settings on the fly, such as keyboard echo, punctuation level, verbosity level, speech rate and volume.