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中国近海鱼产丰富。Fish teem in Chinese waters.

在海钓中狂钓海鱼。Make a wild catch when sea fishing.

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渔船在码头卸下的一箱箱冷冻海鱼。A fishing trawler unloads crates of frozen fish.

炒面,虾仁,鱿鱼,青口,海鱼,时蔬。Noodle, shrimp, squid, mussel, fish and vegetable.

在海鱼上撒切断的茴香菜绿菜丝。做为香料。Sprinkle some chopped fennel leaves on flake fillet.

蒙特雷湾水族馆是从海鱼身上赚钱的。The Monterey Bay Aquarium makes money off of ocean fish.

经过与大浪和海鱼22小时的搏斗之后,他游过63公里,最终精疲力尽而又喜气洋洋地在加莱附近上岸。Finally, he landed near Calais, exhausted but triumphant.

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采用超声波提取方法从海鱼燕鲅鱼肉中提取鱼油。The ultrasonic method was used for the extraction of fish oil.

他们还给我带来了海鱼,海虾,螃蟹等海鲜。I bring them back to the marine fish, shrimp, crab and other seafood.

意大利扁面条就拌有墨鱼汁、海鱼和虾子。Pasta dishes like linguine sometimes contain squid ink as well as shellfish and prawns.

包括在2009年伍月,在塔斯曼海鱼恶劣条件下,在苏门答腊2号快艇上的摩根博士。Morgan, from the yacht Sumatra II, in May 2009, amid severe weather conditions in the Tasman Sea.

于是,我和妈妈去超市买了一大袋海鱼味的猫粮送去给它。Thus, my mother and I went to the supermarket and bought her a big bag of fish-flavored cat food.

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他还说“我们应该鼓励人们多吃沙丁鱼和鲱鱼,少吃大型海鱼”。"We should be encouraging people to eat more sardines and herrings—and less predator fish, " he said.

鱼是秋天的海鱼,有棒鱼也有黄花,巴掌长,放了姜葱盐腌,腌好了用油煎的焦黄。Fish is the fall fish, with fish sticks are yellow, palm long, put ginger salt, marinate with fried brown.

彩虹鳟中的溯河产卵海鱼,较淡水种类体型大,斑点颜色淡。The anadromous variety of rainbow trout, being larger and having darker spots than the freshwater variety.

丹东大海鱼、营口海蜇和盘锦蛤蜊都因其味道鲜美而享誉世界。The big fish of Dandong, the jellyfish of Yingkou, and the clams of Panjin are known worldwide for their good tastes.

我很想在死海游泳,因为死海里的盐不仅使海鱼无法生存,还可以使你像气袋一样飘浮。I was eager to swim there, because the salt does more than keep the sea fish-free, it makes you float like you're full of air.

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鳕鳕科的一种海鱼,尤指大西洋鳕,是大西洋水域北部的一种重要食品鱼。Any of various marine fishes of the family Gadidae, especially Gadus morhua, an important food fish of northern Atlantic waters.

如果你在一间没有一直开着水来保持清洁的厨房里料理生的海鱼,这会变得很不卫生,”风户正义说道。It gets unhygienic if you deal with raw salt-water fish in a kitchen without water running constantly for cleaning, " said Kazato.

腌鱼是一种咸味海产食品。由各种海鱼、海贝类、牡蛎、鱼卵和鱼肠等腌制而成。Jeotgal is a very salty seafood made from naturally preserved fish, shellfish, oysters, fish roe, intestines and other ingredients.