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我要一份凉拌高丽沙拉。I'll take a cold slaw.

有的,我们有凉拌鸡。I'd love chicken salad.

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你喜欢凉拌生菜吗?Do you like tossed salad?

我点的凉拌鸡现在还没上上来。My chicken salad isn't here yet.

我点了咸猪肉和凉拌生菜丝。I've ordered savory pork and cole slaw.

你有没有做过凉拌黄瓜?。Have you ever made cold-dressed cucumbers?

晚餐时,他要了一个凉拌变蛋。He ordered cold preserved eggs for dinner.

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凉拌黄瓜就三十多美元?Cold cucumber mush for thirty-something bucks?

适用于一切煎、煮、炒、炸、凉拌。Applies to all fried, boiled, fried, fry, cold.

前的准备或储存的沙拉,包括凉拌捲心菜。Pre-prepared or stored salads, including coleslaw.

夏可凉拌,冬则热烹,老少皆宜。Summer can be cold in winter while hot cooking, ages.

不用买鱼露就能做泰式凉拌木瓜丝!Don"t need to buy fish sauce can do Thai cold papaya silk!"

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你看,我不需要去学着吃凉拌卷心菜和冷牛排。I don't need to, you know, learn to eat coleslaw and cold beef.

午餐时可吃凉拌鲜鱼沙拉,米饭配蔬菜,或者米饭沙拉。For lunch, eat cold fish salad, rice with vegetables, or rice salad.

在凉拌卷心菜了一个踢,这是由法官赞赏位。The coleslaw had a bit of a kick, which was appreciated by the judges.

当你做凉拌卷心菜或者土豆沙拉,用低或者无脂的蛋黄酱。When you make coleslaw or potato salad, use light or non-fat mayonnaise.

我做的是拌豆腐皮,爸爸做得是凉拌粉条。I am doing is mixed with tofu skin, and my father did was cold vermicelli.

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菊苣这种植物的一些种类,叶可食,如叶可作凉拌生菜的菊苣。Any of various forms of this plant having edible leaves, such as radicchio.

一元路四川鲜鱼馆,麻婆豆腐、凉拌粉皮蛮好吃!Sichuan Road, one dollar Museum of fresh fish, Mapo tofu, salad Fenpi quite delicious!

据反映来看,水饺和贵州风味的凉拌蔬菜特别受欢迎。According to reflect, dumplings and guizhou flavor of salad vegetables, especially popular.