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你过去常玩象棋吗?Did you use to play chess?

欢迎光临合利金象棋世界!Welcome to the chess world!

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象棋可真是奇特的游戏!Chess is really a fantacy game!

一款实用多功能的象棋软件!A Multi-purpose utility software!

汤姆中国象棋下得非常的好。Tom plays Chinese chess very well.

国的人类与机器的际象棋比赛。The chess match of man and machine.

象棋的基本规则是什么?What are the basic rules of xiangqi?

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西洋跳棋比象棋简单。Draughts is an easier game than chess.

你知道是谁发明了中国象棋吗?Do you know who invented Chinese chess?

以前我从来没有玩过中国象棋。I've never played Chinese chess before.

那位老人喜欢下中国象棋。The old man enjoys playing Chinese chess.

汤姆想学下中国象棋。Tom wants to learn to play Chinese chess.

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在国际象棋、网球等比赛中击败对手。Vanquish one's rival at CheSS, tennis, etc.

后来,我又学了下中国象棋。And later I learned how to play Chinese chess.

这也许是象棋史上前所未有的一步棋Perhaps no chess game before had had this move.

那你指的是象棋、跳棋和打牌这样的游戏。Oh, you mean games like chess, drafts and cards.

教孩子玩跳棋或象棋.Teach your child how to play solitaire or chess.

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学下中国象棋对我来说有困难。It is hard for me to learn to play Chinese chess.

我下中国象棋,而且我喜欢弹钢琴。I play Chinese chess, and I like playing the piano.

在象棋中,价值不能是卒,骑士,或主教。In chess, value is not the pawn, knight, or bishop.