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我们还指望你光宗耀祖呢。We're counting on you to uphold the family honor.

而是为了“考大学,光宗耀祖,找好工作”。But in order to "take an examination of university, families, to find a good job".

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大多数人认为,拥有权力的公务员可以光宗耀祖。Most people think that civil servants owning power would glorify and illuminate the ancestors.

他们只喜欢光宗,不喜欢耀祖,光宗耀祖因此被迫分开。They liked Guang Zong, but not the other twin, Yao Zu. Subsequently, the twins were separated.

设计就像爸爸,时刻严格挑剔,希望光宗耀祖,刀子嘴豆腐心,一直鼓励着你。Design like dad, always strictly fussy, hope to uphold, more bark than bite and always encourage you.

身为邢家的一分子,邢家期待著我能传宗接代,光宗耀祖。As a member of the family, I am expected to carry on the Hia line and uphold the honor of my ancestors.

他是贾府的继承人,是贾家的希望所在,他应该走一条科举荣身之路,以便立身扬名,光宗耀祖。Jia He is heir to, is the hope of Jia, he should take a physical examination Wing road to conduct themselves famous family name.

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这是一种奇怪的公开,班上每个人的成绩,不论是挂是过,抑或“光宗耀祖”的优秀,都展示给所有人公开观看。It was a curious form of transparency, with every class member's results, whether fail, pass, or honors, on display for all to see.

早在1949年之前,富人们就拿出一部分钱财来获取声名,维持其在本地的名望或者光宗耀祖。Before 1949, rich people traditionally gave to the less fortunate to gain prestige, uphold local reputations and honor their ancestors.

于是,光宗耀祖约定要练好羽毛球,只要以后进入体育学校,他们就能够再见面了。To enable them to meet again, they promised each other to play badminton well, so that they could enrol themselves in the same sports school.

更况且,在如今这个社会,想在事业上光宗耀祖就一定要有良好的人脉关系。你认识的人越多,就越可能遇到那些能帮你带来时机的人士。And, in a world where getting ahead professionally often depends on personal connections, the more people you know, the more likely you are to find someone who can help you find opportunities.