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你是一只贵妇猫!You are a Ragdoll!

贵妇狗是我最喜欢的一种狗。Poodles are my favorite breed of dog.

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简.德贝勒维尔是个法国贵妇。Jane de Belleville was a French noblewoman.

你看见过那些粉色被剪毛儿的贵妇犬么?Haven't you ever seen those stupid pink poodle cuts?

皇室仆人扶贵妇下了马车。The loyal servant handed the lady down from her carriage.

远处还有一位身披白纱的贵妇,娉婷而来。A lady wears white yarn tippet, svelte coming from a distance.

女王身后跟着一群勇敢的武士和美丽的贵妇。The queen was followed by a galaxy of brave knights and fair ladies.

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我信步随着好奇的贵妇们穿过几个房间。I sauntered through the rooms, following the inquisitive ladies of distinction.

蓝胡子有位邻居,是位贵妇,她的两个女儿,都是完美的美人儿。One of his neighbors, a lady of quality, had two daughters who were perfect beauties.

不一会儿,一位年轻贵妇推着一个婴儿车走进了大厅。Moments later, a well-to-do young woman pushing a kid in a stroller stepped into the lobby.

当冬季厚重感实足的贵妇风结束后,米色、肌色和白色成为复苏的色彩。Beige and nude and off white are refreshing colors after the heaviness of wintry jewel tones.

檀香折扇香气淡雅清郁,真正贵妇享受。Sandalwood folding fans with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance give ladies real enjoyment.

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当我走近利力浦特,看见国王和他所有的王公及贵妇们站在海边。As I came nearer to Lilliput, I saw the King and all his lords and ladies standing on the beach.

你用奄奄一息的南方贵妇口气说出来会好一些,语法纳粹们不喜欢这样。It helps if you say it in the wispy voice of a dying Southern gentlewoman. GRAMMAR NAZIS HATE THAT.

斯坦伯格认为,俾斯麦的心里把这些宫廷贵妇看做邪恶的女巫。These strong women played the role of evil enchantresses in Bismarck's psyche, argues Mr Steinberg.

他们最终还是把她给放了,后来她结婚生子,现在是加利福尼亚州的一个贵妇。They eventually let her go, and she got married and had kids and now she’s a rich lady in California.

他希望那贵妇嫁一个女儿给他,让她自己选择两个女儿中嫁哪个。He desired of her one of them in marriage, leaving to her choice which of the two she would bestow on him.

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皇后和年轻的亲王带着许多贵妇都坐在稍远的地方的轿子里。The Empress, and young princes of the blood, attended by many ladies, sat at some distance in their chairs.

所谓的颂经“贵妇”,其实就是杨贵妃,而“男吏”也应是宫廷侍臣。" Recitation of so-called "ladies" actually means Yang Yuhuan, and "male clerks" should also be a palace courtiers.

此外,拳师犬、斗牛犬、腊肠犬、贵妇犬和西施犬也从164个犬种中脱颖而出,跻身排行榜前十名。Boxers, Bulldogs, Dachshunds, Poodles and Shih Tzu rounded out the top 10 most popular dogs in the list of 164 breeds.