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试试这种淡味咖喱。Try this mild curry.

小老虎咖喱是什么?What is Tiggy Curry?

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这咖喱太辣了。This curry is too hot.

今天我们吃咖喱饭。Today we'll have curry.

您的咖喱鸡。Here's your chicken curry.

今天吃咖喱饭。Today, we're having curry.

有。咖喱鸡就是辣的。Yes, chicken curry is hot.

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今天我们吃咖喱饭。Today , We're having carry.

印度人喜爱咖喱饭。Indians like curry with rice.

马铃薯和腰果制成的红色咖喱Red curry of potato and cashews

给你的食谱上添加一点咖喱。Add a little curry to your diet.

香茅草,红咖喱,香菜。Lemon grass, red curry, cilantro.

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我要制造一份会炸的洋葱咖喱!To make an exploding onion bhaji!

他们吃了一顿极好的咖喱饭。They enjoyed a superb curry lunch.

祝贺你咖喱明虾烧得好。Congratulations on your prawn curry.

这酸橙咖喱菜非常辣。This lime curry is particularly hot.

好啊,我想要一个咖喱鸡。Ok, May I have chicken curry, please.

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但是现在我们的咖喱的味道相当重,But we got quite strong on curries now

红咖喱烤香鹅腿。Roasted goose leg with red curry sauce.

印度是十亿咖喱食用者的家乡。India, home to one billion curry eaters.