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他们苦心经营的服装商店也以失败而告终。The garment store they so painstakingly built up also ended in failure.

经过十余年的苦心经营,诸葛亮终于登上了丞相的宝座。Zhuge Liang became the prime minister through elaboration over ten years.

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或苦心经营自己的小事业,为能过上更好的生活而奔波。Or painstaking management their own small business, to live a better life runs.

格林女士一边苦心经营着她的农场,一边照看一群淘气的孩子。Mrs Green is struggling to run her farm and look after a set of unruly children.

身上一切,看似不经意,却是我苦心经营,希望你快乐。On everything, seemingly inadvertently, it is my painstaking efforts, I hope you happy.

这吴城原是魏国名将吴起苦心经营之地,地势险要,工事坚固,正面进攻恐难奏效。They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress.

然而,苦心经营多年的帝国仍会因一着不慎而难逃毁灭的命运。However, work hard because escape the move is inadvertent and hard, old empire still is met ruined destiny.

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该报纸补充道,未经苦心经营,Twitter自创立四年多以来,仍然未能转为盈利模式。The daily added, without elaboration, that Twitter still isn't turning a profit more than four years after it was created.

那些公司苦心经营而建立起来的信誉和名声正因新雇员缺乏礼仪而坏掉。The goodwill and reputation that many companies worked to build was being damaged by their new employees' lack of etiquette.

张謇和他苦心经营的南通地方自治模式,一度成为中国走向现代化的楷模。Zhangjian and his painstaking autonomous mode in Nantong, at one time, were considered to be an example for China's modernization.

经过全国各地的人们努力参与并苦心经营多年之后,“餐”这一块似乎起色不大,它严重落后于“饮”那部分。After years' development in all parts of the country, the part of eating is seriously underdeveloped compared with the part of drink.

随着奎伊对这家一直受到其妻调查的公司的了解日渐增多,他为自己苦心经营起来的一切开始瓦解。As Quayle looks deeper into the company which his wife had been investigating, all he has carefully built around him begins to crumble.

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迪瓦狮鸟的世界,苦心经营地有羽毛的天堂鸟,像这只缎带-有尾的物种,实践完美求偶典礼。Divas of the avian world, elaborately feathered birds of paradise, like this ribbon-tailed species, practice elaborate courtship rituals.

这意味着,我们要么调整自己的行为去破坏苦心经营的成功,要么直接拒绝承认它的存在。This means that we will either adjust our actions to undermine whatever success we have created, or we will simply refuse to acknowledge it.

托曼的统治建立在我的父亲大人苦心经营的那些同盟上,但是很快她就会摧毁了它们,每一分每一毫。Tommen's rule is bolstered by all of the alliances that my lord father built so carefully, but soon enough she will destroy them, every one.

苦心经营的2008北京奥运会增强了中国的名声,2010年得上海世博会更是吸引了七千多万游客。The elaborately staged 2008 Beijing Olympics enhanced China’s reputation, and the 2010 Shanghai Expo attracted more than 70 million visitors.

简短的回答能够激励出苦心经营的需要,至于人们如何影响这样一种,个人经历的转变的方法。The short answer will to power requires some elaboration as to the methods whereby one might effect such a transformation of ones experience.

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以此概念出发,加上他苦心经营的起草制图就是用色技巧和富于表现力的单色调控。With this notion in mind, second to his painstaking draftsmanship is his emblematic use of color and the eloquent control of its monotone palette.

最后,我要说的是,这是一首弥尔顿对自身对于现代文学传统的,写作技巧苦心经营的诗。Finally, I think it can be said that it's a poem whose deepest investmentis actually in Milton's mastery over the entire Western tradition of literature.

他认过去中国政府用来在亚洲扩大影响的政策并非是一个苦心经营的预设产物,而这一观点与米尔斯海默教授不谋而合。He said an aggressive policy whereby China's leaders sought to dominate the Asian region was not a "pre-determined" outcome as claimed by Prof Mearsheimer.