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执迷不悟的人并不只有你。Youre not the only one who can be obsessive.

我在这场梦中一堕不醒执迷不悟。I dream of a fall in the wake of this stubborn.

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如果追求是苦,这是坚强还是执迷不悟?If you suffer from pursuing, are you strong or perverse?

如果追求是苦,这是坚强还是执迷不悟?If you suffer from pursuing, are you strong or stubborn?

切莫对任何习俗执迷不悟以致于以真理的代价来崇拜它。Be not so bigoted to any custom as to worship it at the expense of truth.

如果他们仍然执迷不悟,2010将由错误的经济期望开局而最终结束于悲哀。If they don't, 2010 will be a year that began in false economic hope and ended in grief.

巴菲特是有史以来最伟大的投资家,但是他也有执迷不悟的时候.拒不出售比亚迪股份,就有点过于执着了.Warren Buffett is the greatest investor of all time but sometimes he drinks the Kool-Aid.

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基督教徒们仍旧执迷不悟的是,比起上帝,他们更为接近他。Christians have not yet understood that God is farther removed from them than they are from Him.

几个星期前,我有一个朋友受不了她那执迷不悟的老板了。A few weeks ago, I spoke to someone who had finally reached the end of her rope with an obdurate boss.

倘若大法官们仍执迷不悟,那就由国会出面立法要求最高院进行审讯的电视直播吧。If the justices still resist, Congress should pass a law requiring that the court’s proceedings be televised.

他支持对古巴实行禁运,反对家庭枪支管制,这也许有些执迷不悟,但至少出自一片真心。His support for the embargo on Cuba and his opposition to gun control at home may be wrong-headed, but they are genuine.

昌修的情妇打电话到老实家,是秀亚接的电话,她正告爸爸昌修不要再执迷不悟。Changxiu mistress call the honest home, it is the show and answered the telephone, she tell father changxiu don't bigotry.

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也许,哪怕是天荒地老的誓言,哪怕时光倒转回到沧海桑田,也抵不过烙在记忆深处,那执迷不悟的初见。Perhaps, even if be everlasting oath, even if the clock back to passage of, arrive but burger in memory of the first, the deep unrepentant.

暑假内,我做了两幅手抄报,一副是涉及读书的,还有一副是环保的,一起头我是执迷不悟,翻来覆去。In summer vacation, I made two of his hand out the newspaper, a pair of is about reading, and a pair of is environmental protection, at first I is bigotry, over.

这位维也纳宫廷歌剧团的指挥知道许多唱歌的技巧,但他不知道当欲望执迷不悟时的那股力量。The director of the Vienna Court Opera knew much about the technique of singing. He knew little about the power of desire, when it assumes the proportion of an obsession.

齐铁嘴看不过眼,想把二月红劝醒,没想到二月红执迷不悟,还责骂张启山、齐铁嘴,说他们都想丫头死。JiTie mouth see but eye, red is convinced to February, did not think of February red wrong-headed, also chided Zhang Qishan, JiTie mouth, said they all want to girls death.

我们将看到这些年轻人透过“奋进行动”计画,是走上正途或继续执迷不悟。We will follow the youths as they aregiven a chance to go straight. Either gothrough the “Operation Breakthrough” program or continue on their destructivepath to being criminals.