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当我们离开时,晚会正进行得红红火火。The party was jumping when we left.

清真寺后面的清真小吃排档生意红红火火。Behind the mosque, halal snack stalls do brisk business.

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我相信今年的奥运会一定会开的红红火火!I believe the Olympic Games must be ardent in this year.

当别的版面办的红红火火的时候,我们的英语角冷冷清清。The E-corner is so cold and cheerless while many area are prosperous now.

好朋友简简单单,好情谊清清爽爽,好缘份久久长长,好日子红红火火。Good friends, simple, good friendship relaxed, good day long, long time together.

祝咱们家的日子像今天的火锅似的,红红火火,热气腾腾。I wish that everyone's life is like today's hot pot , so warm and full of energy.

火红的年代,热闹的婚礼,预示着这对新人今后的生活红红火火。Red era, lively wedding, indicates that the couple in the future life is booming.

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感谢来宾的光临,愿所有的爱茶人都像这红茶一样,红红火火,生意兴隆。Thank the guests for coming, willing to love tea this tea is booming, business is booming.

照明产业发展迅速,照明设计可以说是红红火火。With the rapid development of lighting industry, lighting design which can be said as thriving.

守岁时,要把火盆的炭火烧得红红火火,以象征生活岁岁兴旺。Shou sui, want to put the brazier burning coals of the thriving, symbolizing the life happiness.

就在金融危机严重蔓延的趋势下,却有些人把生意做的红红火火,那就是替别人公司节省成本。However in the trend of the spreading economic crisis, some businessmen can make their business boom.

另一个安全技术――智能卡认证正在各公司的实验室中红红火火地开发之中。Another security technology, smart-card authorization, is chugging ahead in vendors' development labs.

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圣诞节快快乐乐!心境开开心心!生意红红火火!好运由我的祝福扎堆!恭祝冬日快乐!Happy Christmas! Feel happy mood! Business is thriving! Good luck by my blessing cluster. Happy winter!

当前建筑业发展红红火火,在国民经济中占据重要地位。The current construction development thriving, and in the national economic occupy the important position.

然而,地处宁波的丰茂远东橡胶有限公司经营的却一直红红火火,其中的奥秘是什么?However Fengmao Far East Rubber Company has all along been prosperous, which located in Ningbo What's the secret of it?

零售商们对于红红火火的生意喜上眉梢,现在在餐馆里的一桌饭与在滑雪胜地的酒店房间一样非常抢手。Retailers are rejoicing about record sales and a table in restaurants is as hard to get as a hotel room in ski resorts.

了解铅球Gunning和红红火火在这个自由邦自制视频剪辑与专家啤酒喝啤酒啤酒可以更多技巧提示。Learn more tips for shot gunning and chugging a can of beer with expert beer drinking tips in this free homemade beer bong video clip.

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上个星期的某一天,深圳宝安的人行道上,路边摊生意红红火火.One day last week, in a dusty industrial corner of Baoan on the western fringes of Shenzhen, sidewalk food stalls were doing brisk trade.

中国的传统婚礼是新娘和新郎都要穿着红色礼服,红色象征着好运,预示着婚后的日子红红火火。Chinese traditional wedding with the bride and groom when the red dress, a symbol of good luck, indicates the days after marriage is booming.

中国的古早婚礼是新娘和新郎都要穿著红色礼服,红色象征著好运,预示著婚后的日子红红火火。Chinese traditional wedding with the bride and groom when the red dress, a symbol of good luck, indicates the days after marriage is booming.